
“Cardinal Sarah Will Not Last As Prefect”

Pope Francis’ correction of Cardinal Robert Sarah is an unprecedented event at least in the last decades, Ludwig Ring-Eifel, the editor-in-chief of the German Bishops’ agency KNA told domradio.de. …More
Pope Francis’ correction of Cardinal Robert Sarah is an unprecedented event at least in the last decades, Ludwig Ring-Eifel, the editor-in-chief of the German Bishops’ agency KNA told domradio.de.
Ring-Eifel cannot imagine that Sarah will last much longer as the prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship. And even if he would remain until the end of his five-years term in 2019, he “would have no say”.
Ring-Eifel compares the Vatican of the authoritarian Pope Francis to a company: Who pits against the boss, will lose.
Picture: © Antoine Mekary, Aleteia, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsIantffnszo
i say to Cardinal Robert Sarah have courage and stand firm on your faith