De Profundis
Musk is a man seeking to micro-chip all humanity, merging computing with the human brain, beginning as soon as this year. He was “super fired up about Biden,” the fake Catholic usurper-in-chief who is presiding over the continual slaughter of innocent human life, an issue Musk has wavered back and forth on, despite seeming to support Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s latest abortion ban.

Do Catholics need a 'free speech champion' like Elon Musk? - LifeSite

Mon Apr 25, 2022 - 11:17 am EDT (LifeSiteNews) — The world waits with bated breath to see if Elon Musk is crowned the king of Twitter …
What ever he is .i have hopes that he can do better for freedom of speach than the ones before (Cancel culture )
John A Cassani
Musk is not to be trusted. That said, I would like to hear of viable alternatives to a robust 1st amendment that can preserve rights for the truth, in a country that has a secular government. On social media these days, veritas non habet jus, seems to be the law. In the past, the Church or the State could prevent error from being widely disseminated. That is no longer possible, so, people just get …More
Musk is not to be trusted. That said, I would like to hear of viable alternatives to a robust 1st amendment that can preserve rights for the truth, in a country that has a secular government. On social media these days, veritas non habet jus, seems to be the law. In the past, the Church or the State could prevent error from being widely disseminated. That is no longer possible, so, people just get canceled, with no regard for the validity of what they have to say. It’s only turning up the heat on the pressure cooker, in my opinion.