
Gänswein: Bergoglio's South American Banana Republic Caught Lying Again

In the June 15 statement announcing that Francis was sending Gänswein back to Germany, the Vatican press office claimed that he had been dismissed as Prefect of the Papal Household on February 28. …More
In the June 15 statement announcing that Francis was sending Gänswein back to Germany, the Vatican press office claimed that he had been dismissed as Prefect of the Papal Household on February 28. However, the same Vatican press office referred to Gänswein with the title “Prefect of the Papal Household” after his audiences with Caudillo Bergoglio on March 4 and on May 19.
Sister Mary of the Trinity
You are wrong, Bergoglio is an apostate. Bergoglio is not a true "Pope", and even though "banana republic" is just an expression, it doesn't fit Bergoglio who was born in Buenos Aires. Why? because Argentina cannot grow bananas except in a tiny north portion. Argentina import bananas.
Rather call things by their true definitions: the whole "official hierarchy" of Rome is rotten, formed by heretics …More
You are wrong, Bergoglio is an apostate. Bergoglio is not a true "Pope", and even though "banana republic" is just an expression, it doesn't fit Bergoglio who was born in Buenos Aires. Why? because Argentina cannot grow bananas except in a tiny north portion. Argentina import bananas.

Rather call things by their true definitions: the whole "official hierarchy" of Rome is rotten, formed by heretics who have tolerated and accepted the worship of Buda (during 'John Paul II' times) and the Pachamama (with 'Francis'), full of pedophiles because of whom the church sold many churches and buildings to pay the abused, etc.etc.etc.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
It has been since 1958!
Opera 369
In 1958 they began an 'experiment': to 'plant a strange tree, not native to Rome'. They illogically thought that 'the tree' was going to give good fruits. As years passed, the tree became an invasive, stubborn gigantic weed, producing poisonous shoots. The solution is to remove, not just the present gardner and eradicate the weed, but also to knock down every space and the humans holding on to the …More
In 1958 they began an 'experiment': to 'plant a strange tree, not native to Rome'. They illogically thought that 'the tree' was going to give good fruits. As years passed, the tree became an invasive, stubborn gigantic weed, producing poisonous shoots. The solution is to remove, not just the present gardner and eradicate the weed, but also to knock down every space and the humans holding on to the "poisonous shoots"!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Opera 369 -"Poisonous shoots" = the Novus Ordo, and everything that came from Vatican II. 😂 🙏