Images of permanent sequelae produced by the transgenic poison. Human beings who had to be amputated, due to the necrosis suffered after the thrombi generated by the criminal jab. They are not a number …Más
Images of permanent sequelae produced by the transgenic poison. Human beings who had to be amputated, due to the necrosis suffered after the thrombi generated by the criminal jab. They are not a number, they are people who have been harmed for life without justification of any kind.
ABOUT THE DANGER OF THE COVID VACCINES: 1. "What they hide from us about covid vaccines" - Some say that if, afte… - 2. NOS ESTAN MATANDO VIII - Profesora fallece en Marbella asesinada por l… - 3. INFORME DE MÉDICOS BRITÁNICOS PIDE EL CESE COMPLETO DE LAS VACUNAS COVID. - 4. Doctor Ryan Cole sobre el daño que está causando la vacuna y lo que causará en los niños. - 5. El Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi explica el peligro mortal de las vacunas covid.… - 6. Vacuna covid: el genocidio silencioso - El Dr. José Luis Sevillano nos… - 7. El 90 por ciento de los fallecidos en 2021 estaban vacunados. A ver cu… - 8. Las vacunas covid coagulan la sangre, producen trombos y son potencial… - 9. Sobre los efectos secundarios …Más
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