F M Shyanguya

The Church is One

The seamless tunic which the soldiers do not tear symbolizes the unity of the Church for which Jesus asked the Father during his priestly prayer. (The Navarre Bible NT Note Jn 19:17-30). Penny Catechism […More
The seamless tunic which the soldiers do not tear symbolizes the unity of the Church for which Jesus asked the Father during his priestly prayer. (The Navarre Bible NT Note Jn 19:17-30).
Penny Catechism [ApostlesCreed, 9th Article]
Q. 94. Has the Church of Christ any marks by which we may know her?
A. The Church of Christ has four marks by which we may know her: she is One - she is Holy - she is Catholic - she is Apostolic. (My emphasis)
Q. 95. How is the Church One?
The Church is One because all her members agree in one Faith, have all the same Sacrifice and Sacraments, and are all united under one Head [Jesus Christ; visible Head on earth, the Pope].
CNA > Teachings of the Church Fathers > Unity of the Church
"Why are there quarrels and ill will and dissensions and schism and fighting among you? Do we not have one God and one Christ, and one Spirit of grace poured out upon us? And is there not one calling in Christ? Why do we wrench and tear apart the members of Christ, and revolt …More
F M Shyanguya
F M Shyanguya
Letter of Pope John Paul II to Cardinal Ratzinger, April 8, 1988 | fsspx.org
Concern for Church unity (My emphasis)
The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith is of key importance in the context of this ministry, as is shown by the documents which your dicastery has published in this matter of faith and morals during the last few years. Among the subjects which the Congregation for the Doctrine …More
Letter of Pope John Paul II to Cardinal Ratzinger, April 8, 1988 | fsspx.org

Concern for Church unity (My emphasis)

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith is of key importance in the context of this ministry, as is shown by the documents which your dicastery has published in this matter of faith and morals during the last few years. Among the subjects which the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has recently had to deal with, the problems connected with the “Society of St. Pius X,” founded and led by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, also figure prominently.

Your Eminence knows very well how many efforts have been made by the Apostolic See since the beginning of the Society’s existence, in order to ensure ecclesial unity in relation to its activity. The latest such effort was the canonical visit made by Cardinal Edward Gagnon. Your Eminence is concerned with this case in a special way, as was your predecessor of venerable memory, Cardinal Franjo Seper. Everything done by the Apostolic See, which is in continual contact with the bishops and episcopal conferences concerned, has the same purpose: that in this case too the words of the Lord in His priestly prayer for the unity of all His disciples and followers may be fulfilled. All the bishops of the Catholic Church, inasmuch as by divine command they are solicitous for the unity of the universal Church, are bound to collaborate with the Apostolic See for the welfare of the whole Mystical Body, which is also the body of the Church (cf. Lumen gentium, 23).

For all these reasons I would assure Your Eminence once more of my desire that these efforts should continue. We do not cease to hope that—under the protection of the Mother of the Church—they will bear fruit for the glory of God and the salvation of men.

From the Vatican, on April 8, in the year 1988, the tenth of my pontificate.

In fraternal charity,

Joannes Paulus PP.II
F M Shyanguya
“Abp Lefebvre +, who died excommunicated from the Church, and now Abp Viganò, are to be condemned and not celebrated, and the faithful would do well to distance themselves from them and from those who champion them. They do/attempt to do what even the soldiers could not bring themselves to do as regards Our LORD’s seamless tunic during the Crucifixion.”
F M Shyanguya
Decree of Excommunication of Archbishop Lefebvre | EWTN
“The priests and faithful are warned not to support the schism of Monsignor Lefebvre, otherwise they shall incur <ipso facto> the very grave penalty of excommunication.”
Ave Crux
F M Shyanguya: Furthermore -- if you were thinking rationally, you would recognize that it was the Modernists condemned by every Pope before Vatican II that tore asunder the Body of Christ, and we're not following them into condemnation. And neither did Lefebvre, God bless him....
Ave Crux
F M Shyanguya: I think you should just stop posting. Virtually no one here agrees with you. Why don't you go over to National Catholic Reporter or Crux?
F M Shyanguya
One after another. Where do you guys come from? It is not a popularity nor an agreeability contest. Cf Acts 7:57
With these comments of yours, how do you differ from those you term as “leftists”?More
One after another. Where do you guys come from? It is not a popularity nor an agreeability contest. Cf Acts 7:57

With these comments of yours, how do you differ from those you term as “leftists”?