Fraudulent PCR testing led entire world into lockdown tyranny

Fraudulent PCR testing led entire world into lockdown tyranny; treasonous politicians to blame - DR. EDDY BETTERMANN MD Just weeks before much of the world was forced into mandatory lockdown due to …More
Fraudulent PCR testing led entire world into lockdown tyranny; treasonous politicians to blame - DR. EDDY BETTERMANN MD
Just weeks before much of the world was forced into mandatory lockdown due to fears about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), the journal Eurosurveillance published a bogus study announcing the arrival of the infamous PCR test, which was declared to be the world’s first diagnostic tool for identifying the “coof.” Without question, the PCR test was immediately endorsed by World Health Organization (WHO) head Tedros Adhanom – the first non-medical leader of the United Nations arm, by the way – who pushed it as a reactive solution to the plandemic problem. Since that time, however, we have learned that PCR testing is fake science and completely fraudulent.
Study authors Dr. Christian Drosten from the European Union’s Center for Disease Prevention and Control, along with several colleagues from the Berlin Virology Institute at Charité Hospital and a small Berlin …More
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