EXPERIMENTS ON ABORTED BABIES FUNDED BY FAUCI - Tucker Carlson & David Daleiden expose horrifying experiments on aborted babies funded by Dr. Fauci’s CDC - David Daleiden, head of the Center for …More
EXPERIMENTS ON ABORTED BABIES FUNDED BY FAUCI - Tucker Carlson & David Daleiden expose horrifying experiments on aborted babies funded by Dr. Fauci’s CDC - David Daleiden, head of the Center for Medical Progress, the organisation behind the undercover videos exposing the trafficking of body parts of aborted babies, testified before the Pennsylvania Health Committee on the morning on May 4th this year. This testimony provides the shocking revelation about the unethical and potentially illegal practices taking place at the University of Pittsburgh on research into aborted fetal tissue.
He also exposed a protocol designed by doctor Joerg Gerlach, a stem cell scientist in Pitt's McGowan Regenerative Medicine Institute, for harvesting fetal liver cells from live babies. It is deeply disturbing.
His testimony is as follows:
Thank you for the opportunity to testify before you this morning.
I'm David Daleiden, and I'm the head of the Center for Medical Progress, which is a citizen journalism …
jesus mtz and 2 more users link to this post
Miles - Christi
Just pure evil. Maranatha.
David Daleiden you are my Hero.
Dr fauci should be taken to justice
Miles - Christi
He should be thrown in the lake of fire, with Gates, Schwab, Tedros and friends...
Miles - Christi
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About the criminals Fauci and Tedros: 1. FAUCI AND THE DELTA VARIANT GAME CHANGER. - 2. Fauci Warned in 2017 that a 'Surprise Outbreak' Was Coming. - 3. Fauci on children, masks and vaccines - This man is one of the worst c… - 4. THE FIRE FAUCI ACT - With Spanish Subtitles - 5. VAX 'n' CHIPS: Boomers Stayin 'Safe is the New Normal - From the Edito… - 6. LIVING THE AMERICAN NIGHTMARE: Go Trump or Go Lockdown. - 7. Fauci is a criminal who wants children to be vaccinated. - 8. Anthony Fauci: "The Quest for a Universal Vaccine" - WITH SPANISH SUBT … - 9. FRANCIS & FAUCI: A Match Made in Hell - In this episode of The Editor '… - 10. COVIDOCRACY: Trump vs. Fauci, Sachs, Bergoglio & Stupid. - 11. FORMER TERRORIST TEDROS CHARGED BY BILL GATES OF SPREADING PANIC THROU… - 12. Tedros, director of the WHO: Vaccines do not prevent transmission, so … - 13. "Jane Burgermeister, the journalist who revealed the swine flu lie in … - 14. DE GRAN ACTUALIDAD: Entrevista a la periodista Jane Burgermeister en 2… - 15. Fraudulent PCR testing led entire world into lockdown tyranny. - 16. "VACCINATE, VACCINATE, VACCINATE": Another criminal psychopath spreadi… - 17. "Vaccination Plan War Game" - This is not a "conspiracy theory", this … - 18. Tedros and the WHO: Who are the ones who pretend to "take care of us" … - 19. "Anthony Fauci: La búsqueda de una vacuna universal" - 29/10/2019: Est… - 20. "Gates and Fauci's Christmas Wishes" - Related: 1. FAUCI AND THE DELTA… - 21. Tedros, the director of the WHO, says that instead of killing children… - 22. "FAUCI AND THE DELTA VARIANT": THESE EVIL PSYCHOPATS CONTINUE THEIR PSYCHODRAM SO THAT … - 23. "Fauci is a criminal who wants children to be vaccinated with an experimental vaccine" - Related: … - 24. Tedros, the director of the WHO, says that instead of killing children with vaccines boosters, it …
Malki Tzedek
Mengele's successor. A crime against humanity if there ever was one.