
Catholic Journalist and Convert Persecuted by Italian Justice

The Italian journalist Danilo Quinto, a Catholic convert and former treasurer of the now defunct Radical Party (Partito Radicale), one of the most evil Italian parties ever, will be prosecuted for “…More
The Italian journalist Danilo Quinto, a Catholic convert and former treasurer of the now defunct Radical Party (Partito Radicale), one of the most evil Italian parties ever, will be prosecuted for “defamation”.
The reason: Four years ago Quinto published a book about his conversion in which he writes that the party leadership was “acephalous” and one of its members was called “foolish servant”. This is not the first lawsuit Quinto has suffered from his former party fellows.
The Radical Party has been instrumental for introducing in Italy divorce, abortion, euthanasia, legal drugs, homosexualism, gender ideology and as a consequence mass-immigration. The most vicious representatives of this party have been highly honoured by the Bergoglio regime.
Francis received the abortionist Emma Bonino, a leading member of the Radical Party, even in private audience. Bonino is a self-confessed mass-murderer who slaughtered over 10.000 children, her own included. She was pivotal in introducing abortion …More
During a time of lies in the Church at least some of us should attempt to speak the truth
Evil parties like this are all over the world