Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: Urgent Message to Prime Minister Boris Johnson on COVID19 vaccines. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: Urgent Message to Prime Minister Boris Johnson on COVID19 vaccinesMore
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: Urgent Message to Prime Minister Boris Johnson on COVID19 vaccines.
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: Urgent Message to Prime Minister Boris Johnson on COVID19 vaccines
F M Shyanguya
F M Shyanguya
"There are no vaccines for viruses, never have been and perhaps never will be be" @F M Shyanguya Wrong. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rabies_vaccine
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F M Shyanguya
There are no vaccines for viruses, never have been and perhaps never will be because there has never been one for the Common Cold, which is CoViD-19.
A little research will show that there are multiple vaccines for viruses. You are correct however that there is not one for the common cold.
F M Shyanguya
My comment made after research.
Our Lady of Sorrows
Well, well. It appears that the BBC received £5,646,815 in funds from Bill Gates foundation in 2019.
Our Lady of Sorrows
Chief Medical Officer for England Chris Whitty in his last job was awarded £31 million pounds.by no other than Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation into research in Africa
One more comment from Our Lady of Sorrows
Our Lady of Sorrows
No Vaccine for me!