The Pope’s Right-Hand Man

The Pope’s Right-Hand Man

When Pope Francis first asked if he would be willing to take one of the loftiest jobs at the Vatican, heading the office that sets the policies of the Roman Catholic Church, …
la verdad prevalece
These two depraved homosexual activists should be in jail for covering up for pedophiles who have raped Catholic children and young people. No parent who is truly Catholic can support these depraved men who have declared war on God and the Church and who only seek the ruin of souls.
if your hand causes you to sin cut it off
In this severe case, it would take chopping off the whole arm, including the shoulder. And maybe even some of the neck…..and then…..
we are starting to sound like mafia hitmen 🤪
The Devil. 😡🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮