
Bishop Snatches for Himself a Covid-19 Vaccination

The rules for receiving a coronavirus vaccination in Italy are clear: first the medical personal, then the elderly over 80.

However, on Epiphany, Potenza Bishop Salvatore Ligorio, 72, was vaccinated at the Catholic Don Uva Hospital while the vaccination of the personal has not completed yet (picture).

The Regional Councillor for Health, Rocco Leone, was furious, “Those in political or other positions should set an example.”

An explanation was quickly found: One of the nuns, working in the hospital, refused the vaccination, therefore Bishop Ligorio was called “in order not to 'lose' the dose.”

“Perhaps that same dose could have been used to vaccinate one of the patients on the list,” LaGazettaDelMezzoGiorno (January 9) writes.


Enjoy your Matt 20:16, bro. He's really gonna have a tough time selling, "but I needed it moar". Now I, on the other hand, as vessal of generosity, have decided to postpone my vaccination until ALL medical personnel are vaccinated, AND the elderly, AND the poor 'n needy. In fact, I'll wait until ever'body gets vaccinated before me. ;-)
I will never get vaxxed because this diabolical vaccine is from murdered/aborted children. No one should use anything which is obtained this way.
You're quite right @Franek99 . Sadly, the irony of my comment was lost, I suppose. I'll pospone my vaccination "until ALL medical personnel are vaccinated" and for many of them, hell will freeze over long before they even consider the idea, purely on medical grounds. ;-)