
San Francisco Archbishop Fights With Exorcised Holy Water Against "Powers of Darkness"

San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone celebrated a January 9 morning Mass at the Cathedral and then led about 100 people from there to the site of a new - not yet opened - Planned Parenthood abortion mill, SfArch.org reports.

In the homily, the Archbishop thanked the 120 people in attendance, including about 20 Missionaries of Charity, “Thank you for being a light in the midst of this darkness.” And, “We need the power of prayer and fasting to defeat the powers of darkness.”

At the abortion clinic, Cordileone sprinkled the front of the clinic with exorcised holy water urging those present to continue praying, and fasting.

He asked them to come to the mill every Saturday and as often as possible during the week to pray the rosary and say the prayer of St. Michael.

From now on, such a Mass and procession will be repeated on the first Saturday of every month.
A real Archbishop doing real Catholic things! Keep up the good fight.
Maria Pocs
More pics (by Dennis Callahan/Catholic San Francisco)