WEF Madhouse: Just As Pope Francis Would Have Liked It

A Brazilian "shaman" called Putanny Yawanawá, 45, appeared on the stage of the "World Economic Forum" (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, on 17 January.

Her real name is Raimunda Putani. She is the daughter of the indigenous leader Raimundo Luís of the Yawanawá tribe.

Raimunda was made a 'shaman' in 2005, even though her tribe doesn't recognise female shamans and her own husband, the shaman Bira, opposed her career choice.

In 2006, Raimunda was awarded the Bertha Lutz Prize, named after a Brazilian feminism ideologue.

During a panel discussion on "Climate and Nature", Raimunda was brought on stage. She began by telling the audience that her "message" was to give them "a voice of nature, the voice of the forests" and that "healing is in us, in our spirituality, in an alliance, a union, the unity of our thoughts".

Raimunda asked the audience to understand that "the forest, our forest, is our life" and that we should be united: "If we are all united in our hearts and in our thoughts, our Mother Earth will listen to us.

At this point the WEF, whose members warn against "Christian nationalism" (sic), paused for a pagan "blessing".

Raimunda grabbed the heads of the assembled panellists, one by one, and blew on them. Only two years earlier, during the Coronavirus hysteria, this would have been considered a crime against humanity.

But now everyone sat in awe, "as if they had just been baptised" - writes WesternJournal.com. After her performance, Putanny received a standing ovation.

The clowns who reverently received Pachamama's kiss were:

- Hilde Schwab, wife of Klaus Schwab, founder of the WEF;

- Katharine Hayhoe, a Canadian atmospheric scientist and evangelical Christian (sic);

- Ajay S. Banga, 64, the president of the World Bank Group in Washington D.C., which is controlled by the United States;

- Kristalina Georgievna, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which is controlled by the United States;

- Jesper Brodin, the CEO of the Ingka Group, which controls 366 of the 422 IDEA stores;

- the Swiss billionaire André Hoffmann, heir to Roche Holding (pharmaceutical company).


Everyday for Life Canada
But don’t you dare say a Christian prayer. It’s plainly demonic.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
"Just As Pope Francis Would Have Liked It"
Almost makes it sound like Pope Francis is dead. That thought is Not too much premature. I think that news we'll all be surprised with one morning, or during the day when we least expect it . FOXNEWS and all the others will break in with an "ALERT"...and in a split second, Pope Francis and his agenda will just be a bad memory.....that's all.More
"Just As Pope Francis Would Have Liked It"

Almost makes it sound like Pope Francis is dead. That thought is Not too much premature. I think that news we'll all be surprised with one morning, or during the day when we least expect it . FOXNEWS and all the others will break in with an "ALERT"...and in a split second, Pope Francis and his agenda will just be a bad memory.....that's all.
The parallel to the Pachamama ritual in the Vatican gardens in 2019 is striking.
Tony M
Yes, there is definitely a whiff of Jorge in this.
Abomination. That they would so willingly submit themselves to such obscene public acts of unspeakable idolatrous paganism reveals the extent to which they are all deeply and profoundly under the demonic control of the Evil One himself. May God have mercy upon them all.
Novena - Oremus
Father Jesús Silva Castignani, a priest of the Archdiocese of Madrid, Spain, questioned the spirituality that governs the World Economic Forum now holding its annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland: “What spirit governs Davos?” he asked in a Jan. 17 post on X.
Ivan Tomas
We know what spirit. Evil.