Sodomia Supplicans: Dutch Bishops Only Bless Individual Homosexuals

A 16 January statement by the Dutch bishops on Bergoglio's homosexual propaganda piece "Sodoma supplicans" begins with a big word salad.

Aping Francis, the prelates waffle on about the importance of "closeness" and "accompaniment", calling the Church "a welcoming Church" that "will not deny anyone the support and help of God".

But then they insist that it is only possible to pray about "individual" homosexuals or adulterers. The wording of the prayer should focus on "God's will" with one's life.

The whole procedure must be done in such a way as to make it clear that the blessing doesn't concern or affirm an "irregular relationship" [=sin], and also to avoid confusion with marriage.


Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I can picture Francis and Tucho just like this cartoon.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Pope Francis and Tucho love fags.
Chris Muniee
I guess if you're fag couple in that country, you'll have to "go Dutch" on the blessing.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Pope Francis says sexual pleasure is 'a gift from God'"
I copied this headline from the BBC website. I look at other news all day, and today is abreak from teaching at my highschool, because we're all snowed in,,,,,,achool is closed today, and possibly tomorrow. It's been snowing heavy all day...I was out 3x shoveling because my Mom and Dad of course I would not make either do it, and my 2 brothers …More
Pope Francis says sexual pleasure is 'a gift from God'"

I copied this headline from the BBC website. I look at other news all day, and today is abreak from teaching at my highschool, because we're all snowed in,,,,,,achool is closed today, and possibly tomorrow. It's been snowing heavy all day...I was out 3x shoveling because my Mom and Dad of course I would not make either do it, and my 2 brothers still at home don't like to shovel,,,,,so I'm out there every 90 min. In the Spring, I plan to get a condo....won't have to worry about shoveling . Anyone else socked with snow today??

Anyway, when I read this post on BBC, I thought " he's sick, just like TUCHO....graphic description of sexual pleasure at his General Audience. CAN YOU IMAGING ANY PAST POPE (Except for JPII), even speaking about sex, let alone sexual pleasure. Or gross topics like homosexuality, TRANS, or masturbation even mentioned ever, during the reigns of magnificent Popes like Pius XI and Pius XII....or St. Pius X??

There is something VERY seriously wrong with this Pope that he would even speak about such topics in his General Audience. He's spent the past weeks trying to justify his pro-homosexuality blessings document. I was just wondering, because it really makes me sick that Popes would talk about this.....not about Jesus Christ, or repentance for our sins, or the Blessed Virgin MAry, or the CAtholic FAith in general.....but instead, graphic sex. TOTAL INAPPROPRIATE for the Pope to even discuss such things. THat's the job of a psycologist, marriage councelor, etc. Not a POpe.
As I have said before, and will continue to say: Half measures such as this are STILL blasphemous, because at the end of the day the Priest is falsely and illicitly pronouncing and invoking God’s blessing upon two people together as a “couple” not separately as individuals. You still have two people joined and united in their mortal sin standing brazenly and unrepentantly together before you …More
As I have said before, and will continue to say: Half measures such as this are STILL blasphemous, because at the end of the day the Priest is falsely and illicitly pronouncing and invoking God’s blessing upon two people together as a “couple” not separately as individuals. You still have two people joined and united in their mortal sin standing brazenly and unrepentantly together before you seeking the Church’s sanction via a Priestly “blessing.” Consequently, it is utterly and entirely IMPOSSIBLE for any such so-called blessing not to be received and recognized for what it truly is: an official acknowledgment of their status as a “pair” and an acceptance of their unholy relationship by Holy Mother Church, whom the Priest represents.

This affirmation by the Church which sanctions the sinful connection that exists between the two persons is both automatic and unavoidable because it is intrinsic and inherent to the act of blessing itself. Furthermore, the implicit approval of the Church for such an iniquitous joining of two persons is actually codified in the language of the Declaration itself, since it specifically and intentionally uses the word “couple” in identifying the recipients of the so-called blessing, and the word “relationship” in articulating the context of the so-called blessing’s impact. The Declaration explicitly states that the blessing is for couples, and that what is being blessed are certain aspects of the couple’s relationship. It does not directly establish or implement a personal blessing specifically for an “individual” who approaches a Priest seeking one (which the Church has always allowed and freely gives); that particular provision, unfortunately, is not the stated intent or purpose contained therein. On the contrary, this Declaration exclusively addresses and establishes the provision of a blessing for couples who are defined in the document as being in a relationship.

Thus, regardless of location, or environment, or attire, or brevity of words, or lack of ceremony, or the absence of a defined liturgy and the accompanying rubrics, or the timed duration of the spoken invocation itself, the result is the same: the committal of a grave and grievous sacrilege and desecration in the attempt to “bless” what God Himself has cursed and declared an abomination in His sight. Therefore, you cannot perform any such thing at ALL under any circumstances whatsoever, regardless of the situation, or the innocence of your your stated intention, or what so-called precautionary measures you take in a futile effort to avoid scandal or the misinterpretation of the act. Nothing can redeem or sanctify this blasphemous profanity.

The Dutch Bishops errored enormously in this, and instead, should have promulgated a response that fully and unambiguously rejected the sodomy-blessing Declaration in its entirety, and forthwith, forbade their Priests from committing any and all such acts. In spite of their half-baked attempt to mitigate the damage, it remains an abomination.
More sophistry from clergy who have lost their faith.
Sally Dorman
By using the word ‘prayer’ they’re basically telling Tucho: you are way out of your depth, you didn’t invent a new form of blessing – you screwed up badly.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Better than nothing...better than the Germans or the Belgians or the Swizz, who applaud gross, immoral and disgusting things like masturbation etc. WHAT A CHURCH WE HAVE BECOME IN THE LAST 10 YEARS. I'm almost ashamed to be called Catholic, because people would automatically assume that I follow this heretic Pope...which I don't. Faithful Catholics owe Pope Francis, the Vatican, and liberal Francis …More
Better than nothing...better than the Germans or the Belgians or the Swizz, who applaud gross, immoral and disgusting things like masturbation etc. WHAT A CHURCH WE HAVE BECOME IN THE LAST 10 YEARS. I'm almost ashamed to be called Catholic, because people would automatically assume that I follow this heretic Pope...which I don't. Faithful Catholics owe Pope Francis, the Vatican, and liberal Francis Bishops or Cardinals nothing...neither money or prayers.
Wilma Lopez shares this
DUTCH BISHOPS reject blessing for same-sex couples proposed by Fiducia Supplicans, saying a prayer may be said only over individual believers asking God for “strength & assistance under the invocation of the Holy Spirit so that he/she may understand God’s will for his/her life”
Opera 369
I've come to state that, all the ' bishops,, priests, cardinals'(? deceitful ones) who, partly or entirely embrace Boozooka Supplicans have themselves lived their lives 'partly or entirely' in the sin of part/whole sodomy (hiding in the Catholic Hemisphere). Now, they're all revealing their 'true' identity' (that's why they love the anti-pope) - and so taking off their masks (in time for Mardi Gras?More
I've come to state that, all the ' bishops,, priests, cardinals'(? deceitful ones) who, partly or entirely embrace Boozooka Supplicans have themselves lived their lives 'partly or entirely' in the sin of part/whole sodomy (hiding in the Catholic Hemisphere). Now, they're all revealing their 'true' identity' (that's why they love the anti-pope) - and so taking off their masks (in time for Mardi Gras? They should've kept their masks on.... 😂)!