Don Reto Nay
Interesting article from Eric Margolis who is always worthwhile reading.

The Man They Love To Hate

Butcher of Damascus. Gasser of children. Baby Killer of Syria. Tool of Moscow. Cruel despot. Monster. These are all names the western media and politicians routinely heap on …
Holy Cannoli
Bashar al-Assad was a mild-mannered ophthalmologist
"Was" -- the key word in the above sentence. As a group, they're all ruthless. 😡
Because of security risks, the investigators were not able to get to the scene themselves, so could not verify exactly how the chemicals were dispersed. However, they confirmed it was a deliberate chemical weapons …More
Bashar al-Assad was a mild-mannered ophthalmologist
"Was" -- the key word in the above sentence. As a group, they're all ruthless. 😡
Because of security risks, the investigators were not able to get to the scene themselves, so could not verify exactly how the chemicals were dispersed. However, they confirmed it was a deliberate chemical weapons attack, rather than an accident.

The findings were based on analysis of biomedical specimens, interviews, environmental samples and other evidence, which was “cross-referenced and subsequently corroborated”.

The report said: “The only determination that could be made was that sarin had been used as a weapon.”

On other occasions, the OPCW has managed to find sufficient evidence to blame Assad. These include two attacks, in 2014 and 2015, where Syrian Arab Air Force helicopters dropped devices which then released toxic chlorine gas.
20 Apr 2018 The evidence of a chemical attack.