
Japan: Bishops Lead Their Flock "to Eternal Damnation"

The Japanese bishops actively promote homosexualism, writes Jun’ya Kato from Saitama, Japan, in a November 2 letter to Archbishop Leo Boccardi, Nuncio in Tokyo. The letter was published on RemnantNewspaper.com …More
The Japanese bishops actively promote homosexualism, writes Jun’ya Kato from Saitama, Japan, in a November 2 letter to Archbishop Leo Boccardi, Nuncio in Tokyo.
The letter was published on RemnantNewspaper.com (November 28). Key homosexual propagandists in the Novus Ordo Church include the LGBTQ Min'na no Misa, Nijiiro no Tomoshibi and the HIV/AIDS Desk. The latter, a committee of the bishops, was headed until last year by Tokyo Archbishop Tarcisio Kikuchi, 64. Its current chair is Nagasaki Archbishop Peter Nakamura.
These actors promote homosex, homosex pseudo-marriage and the amputation of genitalia. They invite homosexual activists for propaganda purposes and organise homosexual eucharists, which the Archdiocese of Tokyo promotes in its newsletter and on its website.
The diocesan media support these efforts. An article from the Catholic weekly ("Katorikku Shimbun") was distributed at a 2019 homosexual march in Tokyo.
Kato concludes that the bishops are "leading us to eternal damnation …More
The Catholic Church is the Bride of Christ. The Vatican is not to be confused with the Catholic Church
Credo .
@ Irishpol. @ Kenjiro M. Yoshimori; >Good debate! Nice to see no rancor between participants. 🙏 🙏 🙏
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Of course not 😇 🤪
Homo church is alive and well in Japan , I see
Your anger is misdirected. The Catholic Church is perfect and always will be. All that is going wrong within the Catholic Church has been caused by the Modernist popes and bishops since the Second Vatican Council.
Many faithful Catholics (especially those in the SSPX) recognize that the Modernist bishops of Vatican II entered into a “soft schism” and surreptitiously established a counterfeit religion …More
Your anger is misdirected. The Catholic Church is perfect and always will be. All that is going wrong within the Catholic Church has been caused by the Modernist popes and bishops since the Second Vatican Council.

Many faithful Catholics (especially those in the SSPX) recognize that the Modernist bishops of Vatican II entered into a “soft schism” and surreptitiously established a counterfeit religion known by many as the Conciliar religion. The leaders in Rome phave been quietly substituting the false and heretical teachings of their Conciliar religion for the true teachings of the Church since Vatican II. They has misled many otherwise good and faithful Catholics.

The real evil is not the Church, but the Vatican II supporting popes and bishops who hold themselves out as Catholics. And the worst offenders anyone those bishops are the ones who have convinced many that they are “conservative”, yet still support Vatican II and all its evil. Indeed there is only one faithful bishop among them and that is Archbishop Carlo, Maria Vigano. The rest are pretenders.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I respect Archbishop Vigano, and traditional bishops of the SSPX and also sedevacantist groups. It is wrong to hate, but I can not stand Pope Francis and all his people. Paul VI who started it all probably I read was a homo, well known when he still was working in the Vatican in the early 1950's. The True Catholic Faith exists only with the SSPX and sedevacantist groups who reject all or most of …More
I respect Archbishop Vigano, and traditional bishops of the SSPX and also sedevacantist groups. It is wrong to hate, but I can not stand Pope Francis and all his people. Paul VI who started it all probably I read was a homo, well known when he still was working in the Vatican in the early 1950's. The True Catholic Faith exists only with the SSPX and sedevacantist groups who reject all or most of Vatican II.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Irishpol -If you believe this"The Catholic Church is perfect and always will be" like you wrote, I appologize but you are delusional. Anyone who believes that the Catholic Church as it is with the Novus Ordo is "perfect" is delusional. Before Vatican II, under Popes like Leo XIII,Pius X, Benedict XV, Pius XI and Pius XII, it was perfect. I read John XXIII was secretly a Mason, Paul VI secretly a …More
@Irishpol -If you believe this"The Catholic Church is perfect and always will be" like you wrote, I appologize but you are delusional. Anyone who believes that the Catholic Church as it is with the Novus Ordo is "perfect" is delusional. Before Vatican II, under Popes like Leo XIII,Pius X, Benedict XV, Pius XI and Pius XII, it was perfect. I read John XXIII was secretly a Mason, Paul VI secretly a homo, JPII covered up for homos and pedophiles, Benedict XVI was a coward, and Francis is a heretic. Some track record for the Catholic Church.
The Catholic Church in the land of my ancestors is ruined, and the Catholic Church in Ireland is in even worse shape. At least Japan can never claim to have been a staunch 98% Catholic country. Ireland could have, at one time. But it is ruined now, and will take 200 years to recover the True Faith. In Ireland, only in tiny places like Silver Stream Priory does it survive. (traditional Benedictine monastery).
Aaron Aukema
Actually, @Irishpol is correct. The Catholic Church is spotless. You criticize the NO and the Conciliar Church, and rightly so. However, because the NO sect does not hold the true Faith, it cannot be equated with the Catholic Church. It is a splinter group. What appears to be the Catholic Church is an ape of the Church, as Archbishop Fulton Sheen said would happen.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
There are many issues that you’ve raised that should be addressed, but this forum is not the best place to have an in-depth discussion. Nevertheless, you fight with the army you have not the one you want.
Respectfully, the Church is not the popes or bishops in Rome, nor is she the SSPX or any other earthly entity. As St Paul tells us the “Church is the Bride of Christ”—and …More
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori

There are many issues that you’ve raised that should be addressed, but this forum is not the best place to have an in-depth discussion. Nevertheless, you fight with the army you have not the one you want.

Respectfully, the Church is not the popes or bishops in Rome, nor is she the SSPX or any other earthly entity. As St Paul tells us the “Church is the Bride of Christ”—and Christ is never wrong. Chirst and His Bride are always perfect.

The Church, however is very different than the “leaders” of the Church—all of whom are flawed hunan beings, whether they be the very weak and compromised men (like all of the post-Conciliar popes), or the incredibly strong and faithful men like the last two great sainted popes, St. Pius V and St. Pius X.

As for the SSPX, in spite of the fact that they are the only priestly organization that is faithfully following all of the true traditions, practices and beliefs of the Catholic Church that were extant prior to Vatican II, they’re are not the Church. Indeed, their avowed mission is that of forming faithful priests and insuring that the Holy Mass and the sacraments are made available for the faithful.

You mentioned sedevantists. That is not Catholic teaching. As absolutely outrageous as this disgraceful pope is, and despite the fact he and the Modernist bishops are almost certainly entered into a “soft schism” during Vatican II when they set up their counterfeit religion (the Conciliar religion) to ultimately replace the Catholic Church, he is still the pope. That is Catholic teaching. Novus Ordo Watch and Louie Verrechio from AKA Catholic will tell you that they know differently, but they are simply wrong. Until the Magiterium of the church declares otherwise, a faithful Catholic must receive him as the pope.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I accept that he is the Pope, by default (Benedict XVI turned chicken and ran). He's legit because he was elected. But his views are not legit, and therefore I reject all of his teachings and pronouncements that are against the tradition of the Church. I do know, however, that if ever Francis were stupid enough as to allow "blessings" for homos, the Catholic Church would be empty except for Francis …More
I accept that he is the Pope, by default (Benedict XVI turned chicken and ran). He's legit because he was elected. But his views are not legit, and therefore I reject all of his teachings and pronouncements that are against the tradition of the Church. I do know, however, that if ever Francis were stupid enough as to allow "blessings" for homos, the Catholic Church would be empty except for Francis and his homos.
Japan, where my family is from, and where we used to visit back every 2 years, used to be very much against homos and any expression in public of homosexuality. Even just afew years ago. But now, largely thanks to what is happening in the USA, and also Western Europe, the movement has spread/ infiltrated Japan. But thankfully "Trans" are still considered subhuman. Hopefully the attitude that that is totally abnormal doesn't change.
Aaron Aukema
Sedevacantism is an interesting phenomenon, because, despite what certain people want you to believe, the Church has not said that the See can't be vacant. In fact, Her Liturgy provides for situations when the See IS vacant. What further complicates things is that theologians commenting on periods of Church history have said, particularly of the Western Schism, that even if none of the claimants …More
Sedevacantism is an interesting phenomenon, because, despite what certain people want you to believe, the Church has not said that the See can't be vacant. In fact, Her Liturgy provides for situations when the See IS vacant. What further complicates things is that theologians commenting on periods of Church history have said, particularly of the Western Schism, that even if none of the claimants were valid, that would not effect the Church at all; in short, there is nothing in the Magisterium that makes sedevacantism wrong or impossible.

What the Church is quite clear on, however, through numerous Magisterial teachings, is that the pope, as pope, cannot lead the Church astray, nor lead the faithful astray. Further, the Magisterium cannot lead the faithful astray. That would mean that if you believe the NO to be deficient, or the doctrines promoted by Vatican II false, then both the NO and Vatican 2 are not of the Church.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
The Catholic Church in Japan was born of the noble work of St Francis Xavier, and he is much revered there by faithful Catholics. The Catholic Church grew tremendously …More
The Catholic Church in Japan was born of the noble work of St Francis Xavier, and he is much revered there by faithful Catholics. The Catholic Church grew tremendously under his efforts, and those of early Jesuit missionaries. Unfortunatly, the Tokugawa Shogunate in 1614 decided to ban Catholicism from Japan, and very many Catholics were inprisioned and executed as martyrs for the Church and the True Mass. Most famous are St.Paul Miki and his many companions. They defintly would not have died for the NOVUS ORDO, or the filth promoted by the Francis Vatican and Bishops.
I feel sorry for our many relatives in Japan who are Catholic, and now I understand why two cousins have converted to the Greek Orthodox Faith here in the USA, and why many relatives in Japan are still Catholic, but who rarely if ever go to Mass. They have told us by e-mail about this trash many times.