
Pope Francis Wants Also To Kill the Other Family Institutes

Theological relativism according to Amoris Laetitia shall not only be introduced in the Roman Institute for Marriage and Family but also the Institute's locations in the USA, Spain, Mexico, Brazil, Benin and the Philippines.

This was made clear by Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, the grand chancellor of the Institute. Talking to Vatican Radio in Italian, using contorted language, Paglia explained that he considers Catholic marriage a "model of the past".

According to Paglia a "revisiting of the various institutes on the five continents" is "indispensable" in order to bring them in line with the ideology of Amoris Laetitia.

Until now the Family Institutes were powerful intellectual centers against the liberal erosion of the Church.

Picture: Vincenzo Paglia, #newsEylevoecxd
This archbishop is the one who has a gay painting on his church ,that tells you something ,Catholics resist this liberal idioligy
'The smoke of Satan will reach even to the shoes of Peter.'.........Padre Pio.
Jorge wants to kill off the Catholic Church, and he has a lot of helpers, but they won't win, whether we are at the ends times or not, we really don't know but we do know that the Church belongs to Christ Jesus and he will not let them destroy his bride.. He will return and reclaim "HIS" church!