
Schneider Detects A Kind Of Hidden One World Government

The promotion of abortion, homosexuality and gender ideology on a world-wide scale indicates that some hidden "One World Government" is at work, Bishop Athanasius Schneider told LifeSiteNews.com (May 4). …More
The promotion of abortion, homosexuality and gender ideology on a world-wide scale indicates that some hidden "One World Government" is at work, Bishop Athanasius Schneider told LifeSiteNews.com (May 4).
This government is for him “essentially atheist, anti-Christian, and even blasphemous," because it implies a "revolt against the created order of God.”
Schneider supports Benedict XVI’s judgment that abortion and homosexuality are “signs of the spirit of the Anti-Christ.”
He underlines that the Anti-Christ does not only deny the order of salvation but also the order of creation.
Picture: Athanasius Schneider, © Joseph Shaw, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsBtbyosmwxd
Our Lady of Sorrows
Italy will get their NWO Leader out and establish a new Government on 2nd June, people have had enough of NWO corrupt, satanic agenda
Not hidden at all. Rockefeller, Rothschild, the foundations, Pharma (Rockefeller), oil (Rockefeller-Rothschild), banks (Rothschild-Rockefeller, Goldman, Dimon, Nevo), Casinos (jewish mob, Bugsy-Adelson), Porn, Media-Hollywood (5 corporations), the Military-industrial complex (Lockheed Martín, Ratheon, Boeing, etc.), internet moguls (5 well known people), the mob (led by the Russian jew Mogilevich …More
Not hidden at all. Rockefeller, Rothschild, the foundations, Pharma (Rockefeller), oil (Rockefeller-Rothschild), banks (Rothschild-Rockefeller, Goldman, Dimon, Nevo), Casinos (jewish mob, Bugsy-Adelson), Porn, Media-Hollywood (5 corporations), the Military-industrial complex (Lockheed Martín, Ratheon, Boeing, etc.), internet moguls (5 well known people), the mob (led by the Russian jew Mogilevich). There you go, these people, about 100 persons, control the world. Look up the companies lobbying for the LGBT agenda, about 70 (in the hands of the aforementioned, that made some states back down in their defense of religious rights and the bathroom issue...) and you will have the world government... Wake up, this is notorious: masons, some jews, some chinese and japanese, commies, masons, AGAIN.... You don't need to dig too much
Too bad nobody you mentioned is a government entity. But I've never expected literacy from anti-Semites. ;-)
"You don't need to dig too much".
If someone is trying to find some sense in your paranoid manure pile of name-dropping they certainly will. They better wear hip-waders and rubber gloves while they're digging, too.
According to you, the whole world is run by jews 'n asians 'n commies 'n …More
Too bad nobody you mentioned is a government entity. But I've never expected literacy from anti-Semites. ;-)

"You don't need to dig too much".

If someone is trying to find some sense in your paranoid manure pile of name-dropping they certainly will. They better wear hip-waders and rubber gloves while they're digging, too.

According to you, the whole world is run by jews 'n asians 'n commies 'n masons. :P Yeah, no. This is what snorting too much Alex Jones does to your sinuses. Try smoking meth, instead. :D
Yeah, literacy, you say... It's like Plato: "I don't care about the opinions of mediocre men", men who say aztecs are representatives of latín culture. Yeah, and haven't heard about the robber barons, etc. As I told you, don't argue with me, my boy
"I don't care about the opinions of mediocre men" Quoting Plato when you care enough to reply is self-defeating @enemacasanova. You should be grateful for the Aztecs. They left a complex, if godless culture. They're still better than the embarrassment you are to your country, to your culture, and to the Church.
The Aztecs were architects, astronomers, artisans. They were city builders. You?More
"I don't care about the opinions of mediocre men" Quoting Plato when you care enough to reply is self-defeating @enemacasanova. You should be grateful for the Aztecs. They left a complex, if godless culture. They're still better than the embarrassment you are to your country, to your culture, and to the Church.

The Aztecs were architects, astronomers, artisans. They were city builders. You? You're just a silly Jew-hating bigot who doesn't know the difference between private enterprise and the structures of government.

"As I told you, don't argue with me, my boy"

...and as I told you, I'm not your boy and I'm not arguing with you. I'm correcting you. Be grateful for that. At least here your stupidity is anonymous. Imagine the embarrassment of you penning such easily contradicted ignorance next to your own name "señor profesor".

At least here when I'm done slapping you around, you can pretend it never happened. Until the next time eticacasanova . ;-)
"They left a complex, if godless culture. They're still better than the embarrassment you are to your country, to your culture, and to the Church" --> jajajajajaja. Thank you, man, some entertainment, in "this hard times of scamdemic"... Jajajajajajaja
You need to work on your affected laughter, @enemacasanova
Jajajaja, keep going, de need more joy in this world. Jajajaja
I'm sure "de" do. :P Someday you'll learn that jajajaja translates into English as, "I'm stupid and have nothing to say".
That's what happens with cheap comedy, after the cheap laugh, ther's only sadness, I pitty you, I'll pray for you. I've tried with you, but...
As you said before, I'm generous. ;-) have to allow for your limited English and your limited intellect. Serious discussion is wasted on a peasant. All your kind understand is "cheap comedy".
F M Shyanguya
The Antichrist, who is here, is hidden. Also leaders report to and take marching orders from this hidden hand, the Synagogue of Satan, rather than the electorate and the Synagogue of Satan from Satan [they prefer Lucifer] with the principalities and powers in high places.
F M Shyanguya
Our Lady of Sorrows
The One World Government and its agenda has never been hidden, where have you been Bishops Schneider?
Hidden? The UN openly promotes all of those goals. So does the EU. Well, at least Joseph a' Paedo won't need to shift the topic too far this time.
París 2015: led by Stephen Rockefeller. The Earth charter, Maurice Strong-Gorvachov (Rockefeller). UN agency for echology (whatever its name), the same Maurice Strong. ETC.: the UN world government? You mean the ones who control it. That is, the ones I mentioned in other place (see above)... Good try, my boy...
Protip Uno: Name-dropping isn't an academic citation, El Stupido. You should know that. You fell on your face while being condescending. I love it. :D
Protip Dos: none of your name-dropping has yet contradicted the statement you're replying to. Try to read. Please. Just a little.
"(whatever its name)"
Oh yeah, now you're breaking out the serious scholarship. "whatever its name" You don't even …More
Protip Uno: Name-dropping isn't an academic citation, El Stupido. You should know that. You fell on your face while being condescending. I love it. :D

Protip Dos: none of your name-dropping has yet contradicted the statement you're replying to. Try to read. Please. Just a little.

"(whatever its name)"

Oh yeah, now you're breaking out the serious scholarship. "whatever its name" You don't even know. You don't even care. You're too lazy to look it up.

Oh, one other thing, This has nothing to do with reggae. "Echology"... :D