Pope Francis Leads Church Into "Doctrinal Anarchy", "Division" Doctrinal Anarchy: Edward Pentin points out in the National Catholic Register to a "doctrinal anarchy" in the Church as bishops advance …More
Pope Francis Leads Church Into "Doctrinal Anarchy", "Division"
Doctrinal Anarchy: Edward Pentin points out in the National Catholic Register to a "doctrinal anarchy" in the Church as bishops advance contradictory positions on Amoris Laetitia, which the Vaticanista Marco Tosatti calls "Confusionis Laetitia". Pentin notices, that after Amoris Laetitia receiving Communion is allowed in one country and iws forbidden in another. Quote, "Thus your geographical location becomes the determining factor on whether you must adhere to traditional Church teaching and practice, or not." He quotes Monsignor Nicola Bux, "The first effect on the Church of such 'doctrinal anarchy' is division.”
Indifference? Charlie Gard is a nine-month-old English boy, who suffers from a rare genetic condition. Against the will of his parents the British High Court decided to take Charlie off life support. The Italian journalist Antonio Socchi comments, "If this were about parents, who wanted to get their child off life …More
paul grech
It is evident that the so called shepherds of the Church have become totally contaminated by the world. The salt has lost its saltiness and is now only fit for trampling under feet.