Consider revising celibacy rule for Catholic priests, Vatican official says

It use to be the taunt of some traditional Catholics to claim the sex abuse scandals within the church are all down to Vatican II. But recent abuses uncovered in traditional communities and the harbouring …More
It use to be the taunt of some traditional Catholics to claim the sex abuse scandals within the church are all down to Vatican II.
But recent abuses uncovered in traditional communities and the harbouring of censured priests prove that this is not the case:
Renegade Catholic order in UK 'harbours clergy accused of sexual abuse'
So, is it now time the Church took a leaf out of the Eastern Rite, orthodox and Anglican churches and allow married clergy?
Consider revising celibacy rule for Catholic priests, Vatican official says
Church has ‘lost many great priests because they chose marriage’, says Charles Scicluna of Malta
Sean Johnson
+Williamson has to sleep in the bed he made, but more conspicuous is your consistent desire to discredit tradition at every turn. “The wicked love the fall of the righteous.”
Sean Johnson
Note the poster’s hatred of tradition.
@Sean Johnson I am confused. There are endless posts on this site slamming those that are not TLM but if someone makes the point that sexual abuse and sin are much broader than post Vatican II than that person hates tradition. By the way I am trad myself
Sean Johnson
Presuming you’re not a sock puppet account of the OP, you’re naive about his intentions. He circulates on all trad fora, seeking to denigrate tradition, and almost certainly isn’t even a Catholic.