
Armour-Plated Rigidity: Vatican Denies ANY Request To Celebrate The Roman Mass

Joseph Shaw (LmsChairman.org, August 12) has obtained the copy of a letter Neo-Cardinal Arthur Roche is sending to EVERY BISHOP requesting permission for priests to celebrate the Roman Mass.

Roche writes that "this Dicastery [for the liturgy] is of the opinion that [this permission] would not be an opportune decision. Therefore, we deny the request."

He explains that Francis' [rigid] intentions in Traditionis custodes are "quite clear" and that he underlined them in his "Letter to Bishops of the Whole World" and in his "Responsa ad dubia."

Roche quotes Sacrosanctum Concilium (Vatican II) and Desiderio Desideravi about “Francis’ desire that unity around the celebration of the liturgy be re-established” - as if there were ANY unity around the Novus Ordo.

Roche's last sentence is that "there is of course no difficulty for Fr [name cancelled] to celebrate Mass according to the editio typica tertia (2008) of the Missale Romanum.”

Shaw notices that the reasons for refusing the request is entirely general, whereas even Francis has explicitly provided for the granting of permission.

Picture: © Joseph Shaw, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsNqfsyqztan

Croí Láidir
Are we surprised by this latest noxious spew-age from Roche? No. We know they- this dark false church that Bergoglio is building- actively hates the Faith and those who cherish it. They have no love or concern for God, Our Lady, the angels, the saints or the salvation of souls. They serve the world and teach humanism which allows for other wickedness and snares all birthed from the capitol sin of …More
Are we surprised by this latest noxious spew-age from Roche? No. We know they- this dark false church that Bergoglio is building- actively hates the Faith and those who cherish it. They have no love or concern for God, Our Lady, the angels, the saints or the salvation of souls. They serve the world and teach humanism which allows for other wickedness and snares all birthed from the capitol sin of pride. And their sales pitch of "for unity" is so insulting. We must continue to pray for the conversion of the Novus Ordo, especially the the bishops.
Judith Heile
Pope Francis is actually a blessing. He sets up such a black/white situation in the Church that he makes it much easier to figure out what is and has been going on, and to make the choice for the true Church. It it's either the New Mass, which is Protestant, or the Traditional Mass, which is Catholic. It's either a meal as communal celebration of praise, or it's a sacrifice offered as a propitiation …More
Pope Francis is actually a blessing. He sets up such a black/white situation in the Church that he makes it much easier to figure out what is and has been going on, and to make the choice for the true Church. It it's either the New Mass, which is Protestant, or the Traditional Mass, which is Catholic. It's either a meal as communal celebration of praise, or it's a sacrifice offered as a propitiation for sin. Francis says, in his Church you can't have both. That makes it real easy to decide which Church you belong to.
Salvatore Bastatti
Pope St Pius V's Quo Primum made the Latin liturgy in perpetuity the language of the Mass. I for the life of me cannot fathom why anyone would pay attention to the Marxist Jesuit Bergoglio. I pray the Latin Mass every day as a canonically ordained Priest. Just keep in mind, another "Pope" could replace Bergoglio and fully reinstate the Tridentine rite.
What does one do then?
That is why the whole …More
Pope St Pius V's Quo Primum made the Latin liturgy in perpetuity the language of the Mass. I for the life of me cannot fathom why anyone would pay attention to the Marxist Jesuit Bergoglio. I pray the Latin Mass every day as a canonically ordained Priest. Just keep in mind, another "Pope" could replace Bergoglio and fully reinstate the Tridentine rite.

What does one do then?

That is why the whole issue with Bergoglio is a canard and he is best ignored. I know many Priests who have turned a deaf ear to his voiced expectorations for fear of losing their souls if they give Bergoglio any credence at all.
I think people who pay attention to Bergoglio are the same ones who pay attention to Fauci. I don't get it either..
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
God bless the priests, and even many bishops, who are ignoring Francis vomiting out his hatred of CAtholic tradition and the LAtin Mass, and these good men proceed to ignore him and do the opposite of what Francis orders. Good for them!!
Lisi Sterndorfer shares this
It has become clear that the Dicastery of Divine Worship, which alone has the authority to permit priests ordained after *Traditionis custodes* to celebrate the Traditional Mass, is systematically refusing to do so, even though requests are coming not from individual priests, but their bishops.
When an obsequious dud like Roche is (over)promoted it can only be to carry out the evil bidding of his master. The LMS is naïve in giving Bergoglio the benefit of the doubt. He wills the death of the Mass of Ages.
Cor Jesu Sacratissimum
The Dicastery:
GJA Taylor
This English clergyman, like so many others, living off the backs of the faithful all his clerical life. What is his legacy? He spent millions of the faithful's money on his mini vatican as his diocesan centre while closing Catholic churches which kept him and his cronies in a lifestyle that most of us will never experience.
Did his episcopy have any fruits? Was there an increase in Marriages, or …More
This English clergyman, like so many others, living off the backs of the faithful all his clerical life. What is his legacy? He spent millions of the faithful's money on his mini vatican as his diocesan centre while closing Catholic churches which kept him and his cronies in a lifestyle that most of us will never experience.
Did his episcopy have any fruits? Was there an increase in Marriages, or did he bring in converts to the faith? Was there any more vocations under him as bishop?
He was a very studious supporter Of Pope Benedict's reform of the English translation of the Mass which helped him climb to his next appointment under Francis.
He appears to suffer from clericalism in a very big way. Loves power, money and dress up. Not really an example to be followed by the faithful at all.
Hey hoe, now he is another one the Corpse of a Vatican fatcat Cardinals, are any of Francis' "promotions" ( St Peter and St Andrew close your ears) of men of faith or are that simply faithless, spiritually blind, pathetic figures who love luxury, titles and dress up?
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I read Roche isn't especially well. Good riddance.
De Profundis
Full text:
…this Dicastery is of the opinion that this [permission] would not be an opportune decision. Therefore, we deny the request. The path established by the Holy Father in Traditionis custodes is quite clear and this has been underscored both in the “Letter to Bishops of the Whole World” which accompanied the Motu proprio and in the Responsa ad dubia of this Dicastery, which were personally …More
Full text:
…this Dicastery is of the opinion that this [permission] would not be an opportune decision. Therefore, we deny the request. The path established by the Holy Father in Traditionis custodes is quite clear and this has been underscored both in the “Letter to Bishops of the Whole World” which accompanied the Motu proprio and in the Responsa ad dubia of this Dicastery, which were personally approved by the Holy Father. In this latter document, with regard to this very point, it was highlighted that the liturgical reform of the Second Vatican Council “has enhanced every element of the Roman Rite and has fostered – as hoped for by the Council Fathers – the full, conscious and active participation of the entire people of God in the liturgy (cf. Sacrosanctum Concilium no. 14), the primary source of authentic Christian spirituality”. Most recently the Holy Father’s Apostolic Letter of 29 June, Desiderio Desideravi, on the liturgical formation of the people of God, expands on the above mentioned letter to the bishops and reaffirms Pope Francis’ desire that unity around the celebration of the liturgy be re-established in the whole Church of the Roman Rite (n. 61).
There is of course no difficulty for Fr [] to celebrate Mass according to the editio typica tertia (2008) of the Missale Romanum.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Just ignore all this crap from Roche. There is no "Holy Father", and Roche is a half-wit drone. Ignore his dictates and do the opposite of what both of them want. More tradition, More LAtin MAsses.
John A Cassani
Roche says that the reforms have “enhanced” the Roman Rite in every way. I agree, as long as I can stipulate the “enhanced” has the same meaning as “enriched” does in the context of the flour used to make cheap breads, like Wonderbread, which is to say that all the nutritive parts have been removed. The Novus ordo is liturgical Wonderbread.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
And Wonderbread tastes awful. I ran out of bread at home, they didn't have my regular brand, so I picked that as a substitute. Bad idea. Tastes and smells like chemicals.