Waiting for Better Times: Last Latin Mass at Melbourne Cathedral

The last Latin Mass at St Patrick's Cathedral in Melbourne, Australia, will be celebrated on 19 June at 5.30pm. The Mass will be resumed when the current period of Church decadence is over.

The Roman Mass on 12 June, a Wednesday evening, was attended by over 150 faithful, even though it was a weekday Mass (pictured).

The Latin Mass Parish of Melbourne (NewmanParish.org) continues to celebrate Mass at St Aloysius Church in the Melbourne suburb of Caulfield North.

The Archdiocese of Melbourne is being run into the ground by Archbishop Peter Andrew Comensoli, 60.

Picture: Latin Mass (Archdiocese of Melbourne), #newsTaacjvjlhw

Sean Johnson
Gee, how come modernists won’t let us be traditional?
It's like the separation of the goats from the sheep. I personally take this from St Paul as a commandment from the Holy Ghost: "Therefore, brethren, stand fast; and hold the traditions which you have learned, whether by word, or by our epistle."
Christopher Shahrazade
Closing the traditional LAtin Mass from these churches is laughable, because next to no one goes to the Vatican II Mass. In my area, 1 parish is dropping down to 2 Masses on Sundays ( our older neighbors said that in the 1950;s they had 6!!) because they only have 1 priest, and the Archdiocese said they have no spare priests to replace the 2nd priest who had been assigned at the parish and now has …More
Closing the traditional LAtin Mass from these churches is laughable, because next to no one goes to the Vatican II Mass. In my area, 1 parish is dropping down to 2 Masses on Sundays ( our older neighbors said that in the 1950;s they had 6!!) because they only have 1 priest, and the Archdiocese said they have no spare priests to replace the 2nd priest who had been assigned at the parish and now has another assignment. Twelve parishes in the Archdiocese have no resident pastors. Only 3 new priests were made this year (from the 1930's to early 1960's they had sometimes 50+ per year). In this parish that is dropping to 2 Masses, the church is 75% empty for any Mass. HAHAHAHA!! Yet, at the one parish which has the TLM, it is filled every Sunday.
One parish near me has a magnificent marble altar, built in the 1890's. In front of it is the typical crap "presbyterian" style wooden table. No wonder no one goes to the Vatican II Protestant Mass.
John A Cassani
Many parishes today can’t afford a second priest. In the archdiocese of Boston, the “all-in” cost of each priest assigned to a parish is around $75k per year these days.
Hi @John A Cassani No surprises there as parish finances are drained to near zero by compensation payouts to victims of sexual abuse.
Not very many people there, it seems. The pews should have been packed, with standing room only. 😐
@SonoftheChurch The weekday liturgy is held to meet the needs of Catholics during their 1 hour lunch breaks. The numbers present reflect the devotion of those making the effort to attend and as seen, takes place at one of the side altars. The usual weekend celebrations attract large numbers as to be expected and are accommodated in the main body of the Cathedral facing the high altar.
Naomi Arai
It's not fun, but the SSPX aren't impossibly far away from that church in Tynong. It's the same the rest of us are going through. My closest diocesan church is canceling its TLM at the end of July. I'll be going to the FSSP, SSPX, or one of the TLM religious orders near me. All of them are further away and more difficult to get to (mountains) than the one closing down.
A holy pilgrimage.
Alex A
Worth noting that the Society has a church in Hampton, Melbourne and has offered Holy Mass each day, since 1980.
@Alex A
Hi Alex, Novus Ordo or Traditional Latin?
Naomi Arai
@LiveJohn He's using the shortened form many of us use for the (Fraternal) Society of Saint Pius X -SSPX.
@Naomi Arai Many thanks - much appreciated. 😊
QUOTE: "The Archdiocese of Melbourne is being run into the ground by Archbishop Peter Andrew Comensoli, 60."
Want to know more? Then find out who appointed him.
Christopher Shahrazade
THey won't have to wait for long!!
Windmill Lane
One can hope.