
Brazil: Boom in Priest Suicides

Forty Novus Ordo priests have committed suicide in Brazil between August 2016 and June 2023, according to a study by Father Lício de Araújo Vale (Diocese of São Miguel Paulista).

Lício believes that the main reason for this is the irrelevance of the priest to the secularised parts of society, leading to stress, loneliness, and discouragement. The Novus Ordo clergy make great efforts to please the world that doesn't appreciate these efforts. Lício believes that creating “pastoral strategies” will be the solution.

However, according to information obtained by Gloria.tv most suicides of priests are related to moral problems, especially around homosexual sins.


Perverts one and all.
Kyrie Eleison. Mother Mary help.
Read to the end (always! but particularly) on this article!