
A Real Threat: Rocky Horror Cupich Show

The Maundy Thursday Eucharist at notorious St Sabina Parish in Chicago Archdiocese was a kind of Protestant service with some "words of consecration". Being Novus Ordo, the performance had no altar …More
The Maundy Thursday Eucharist at notorious St Sabina Parish in Chicago Archdiocese was a kind of Protestant service with some "words of consecration".
Being Novus Ordo, the performance had no altar but a banquet table around which sat twelve men and women dressed as vice presidents of the banquet - as if a banquet needed a president.
It included choreographed dances, purple lighting effects, disco ball strobe lights, brutal noise with crashing cymbals and yelling and tinkly piano music.
During the show, Father Michael Pfleger celebrated his own person.
Chicago's Cardinal Cupich who supposedly cares about Catholic doctrine has brutally forbidden the true Mass because it is a [real] threat to the "unity" of the Cupich chaos church.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I know he's a diosecean priest, but his record over the last 50+ years of his priesthood is exactly what a Jesuit would do.
Fr Dan
Well.. when you only have the bland N.O. you gotta do something
P. O'B
Mike was a year ahead of me in high school, and I am a Latin Mass Trad. Go figure.
Pleger comes off as a cult leader...
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Pfleger is an old man who should be retired. The one really funny and legit thing he ever did, was in 2008 speaking in a black Church where he praised Obama and mocked, immitated Hilary Clinton crying and sobbing. Check it out on Youtube. I saw it once, and it's hysterical. A perfect immitation of that B Hillary.
Arthur McGowan
Pfleger mocks pro-lifers--in exactly the manner you would expect from a hyper-partisan, pro-abortion Democrat.
They tried in the past to oust him, even had "credible allegations" of abuse on him. NO chance - his "people" threatened to riot if he were removed!
Bonnie Louise
Pfleger is a child rapist. I believe the 2 brothers who brought charges (black).