
Traditionis Custodes: The Problem Is Not the Pig, But Those Who Fed It

Worse than TC are those who remain silent out of self-interest, the indifferent, those who justify the tyrant, Eck writes on Caminante-Wanderer.com (January 19).

Rather than looking at Francis’ perfidy, we should look at those who let him get away with things, “lest we blame the pig and not the one who fed him.”

Eck is not surprised that the foolish ass brays loudly but that many say he sings like a nightingale and is worthy of the Teatro Colón in Buenos Aires.

The ideology of “obedience” makes the Francis followers see each of his words and deeds as “the motion of the Holy Spirit even though objectively they are contrary to God”- while TC is “riddled with lies so blatant that they damage the eyes and insult the intelligence.”

Francis disdains justice and is the accuser, judge, and executioner. This reminds Eck of Emperor Caracalla who asked Papinianus to justify the execution of Caracalla’s brother Geta. Papinianus replied: “It is much easier to commit patricide than to justify it.”

Eck observes that the Francis followers don’t have such problems as long as the sentence bears the proper seals, “Legal positivism and legalism have replaced the Gospel.”

Francis' followers in comfortable ecclesiastical positions invite the victims of TC “to drink from the chalice of obedience, to eat from the bread of submission and watch them to see if they violate the smallest comma of the decree evacuated from the Vatican which would be a greater crime and heresy than failing in Truth and Justice.”

For Eck, this acceptance of cruelty under the guise of Charity is the most serious thing that TC has brought to light.

Picture: © Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsKllnhcvhdv

Jan Joseph
Dit is nu precies het probleem, zolang sommige gelovigen paus Franciscus als een Heilige zien, wordt het schisma steeds groter.
DefendTruth shares this
Great article, Francis disdains justice and is the accuser, judge, and executioner. This reminds Eck of Emperor Caracalla who asked Papinianus to justify the execution of Caracalla’s brother Geta. Papinianus replied: “It is much easier to commit patricide than to justify it.”