Six Reasons: Women Should Wear a Veil in Church Monica is a young Italian mother and Catholic artist who produces religious objects, among them Mass veils for women. She explains on her webpage that …More
Six Reasons: Women Should Wear a Veil in Church
Monica is a young Italian mother
and Catholic artist who produces religious objects, among them Mass veils for women. She explains on her webpage that this female headdress is recommended by St Paul, and that there are many other reasons, why women should veil themselves in the church. Monica’s webpage is MonniCraft.com.
Reason Number Six: The veil is useful for concentrating better in prayer, due to the awareness of being in a particular place and therefore wearing a particular outfit. Further, having the head covered with a veil restricts the view and therefore helps to be less distracted and not to look around.
Reason Number Five. The veil represents submission to the Creator. Monica writes, “I veil myself as a demonstration of my dependence on God; I hide my beauty to point to Him who created it.
Reason Number Four. Monica writes, "The veil is for me a gesture of outward humility and since I think that the habit makes the monk, I hope …More
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Wearing veils is angel's command at Mass ?
Wearing veils is valid at Mass and it makes her not look at the side.
By the way, France exports expensive veils to S.Korea. (enlarge photo)More
Wearing veils is angel's command at Mass ?

Wearing veils is valid at Mass and it makes her not look at the side.
By the way, France exports expensive veils to S.Korea. (enlarge photo)
What about helping boys and men to concentrate and avoid distractions? How do they show humility or don't they need to? Don't they need to 'hide from others' so they can concentrate on God? Why waste time - let's just get a letter-box and be done with it!
There are several other reasons, mainly relating to chastity and modesty. A mantilla conceals a woman's features on the sides and back shielding her from the attentions of other parishioners. This keeps everyone in the roughly "3 o'clock to 9 o'clock" range relative to her from distraction and possibly led into various sins, particularly if the woman is attractive and all the moreso if she is still …More
There are several other reasons, mainly relating to chastity and modesty. A mantilla conceals a woman's features on the sides and back shielding her from the attentions of other parishioners. This keeps everyone in the roughly "3 o'clock to 9 o'clock" range relative to her from distraction and possibly led into various sins, particularly if the woman is attractive and all the moreso if she is still unmarried.

The married men aren't tempted to distract themeslves by stealing glances at her or dwelling on thoughts of infidelity. The unmarried men aren't tempted to distract themselves even further with thoughts of courtship which, while laudable, are totally inappropriate during Mass.

Additionally, it keeps women from being distracted as well! Young women and even middle aged women are fiercely competitive when it comes to beauty, makeup, hairstyles, jewelry, etc. A mantilla keeps them from being tempted from looking around during Mass and making the inevitable comparsions.
Oh really Ultraviolet
Yeah... really. :P
All women dress to be noticed — gross and vulgar women to be grossly and vulgarly noticed, wise and modest women to be wisely and modestly noticed.
While all of this lady's reasons are laudable, there is a more important reason that women should wear the veil. St. Paul explains it in 1 Corinthians 11.
As St. Paul explains, the head covering is not simply a "discipline" or a "nice gesture of modesty." No, there is a theological reason that women are REQUIRED to wear a head covering when in the Church.
That reason is because every woman should …More
While all of this lady's reasons are laudable, there is a more important reason that women should wear the veil. St. Paul explains it in 1 Corinthians 11.

As St. Paul explains, the head covering is not simply a "discipline" or a "nice gesture of modesty." No, there is a theological reason that women are REQUIRED to wear a head covering when in the Church.

That reason is because every woman should accept the responsibility for "the Fall of Man" in the Garden of Eden. Eve disobeyed God and tempted Adam. All women, in the wayfaring state of this life, bear the responsibility and shame of Eve's disobedience. Eve rebelled and caused the Fall. Mary proclaimed her "fiat" and started the path to Redemption. But, in this life, the woman must be subject to a man because of the original rebellion against God that started with Eve. The process of Redemption is not complete and, so, women must acknowledge this fact by continuing to wear the veil.

If you cannot understand the theology behind the veil, that's okay. You should simply obey St. Paul. He tells us in 1 Corinthians 11:2 to "keep my ordinances as I have delivered them to you." Women who refuse to wear the veil in Church, knowing that St. Paul requires it, are re-enacting the very kind of rebellious act that Eve perpetrated in the Garden. In fact, St. Paul says that these women who refuse to wear a veil "may as well shave their heads" like prostitutes did in ancient Rome. A prostitute ignores that laws of God and degrades herself as she asserts her independence from His laws. So the woman who ignores St. Paul's divinely-inspired ordinances degrades herself as she "asserts her right" to dress as she pleases.

Furthermore, the Catholic Church has always officially stated that women should wear the veil in Church. The requirement was explicit in Canon Law until 1983. The fact that it is not mentioned in 1983 Canon law does not change the fact that divine law, as stated by St. Paul, still requires it and the Tradition has always followed St. Paul's instruction.

The veil is pleasing to God. It is pleasing for reasons that are hard for modern women to understand. Wear it to show your love for God and to avoid bringing disgrace upon yourself and your family.
This theological reasoning is flawed beyond measure, is not scripturally correctly interpreted nor is endorsed by the the Vatican. No wonder the pews are empty