
Francis' Curia Reform Is "Haphazard", "Incoherent", "Ignorant" - Cardinal Müller

Pope Francis' upcoming "reform" of the Roman Curia is a "haphazard juxtaposition of 16 ministries which are somehow put at the service of the Pope, the individual bishops and the bishops' conferences," Cardinal Müller told pnp.de (May 5).

Müller is unable to discern in the "reform" a coherent concept of the Church's origin, nature and mission.

On one side he sees a "spiritualisation of the attitude required for Curia staff," on the other side a "secularized concept of the Church, run like an international corporation."

For the ex-Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith the draft's statement about his former congregation displays a "shocking theological ignorance."

Müller explains, "Basic terms of Catholic theology such as Revelation, Gospel, Holy Scripture, Apostolic Tradition or ecclesiastical Magisterium are used wrongly or in a distorted way."

He hopes that this passage will be reformulated from scratch by a reliable theologian and canonist.

Picture: Gerhard Ludwig Müller, © Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsQlukrvntsl
What a perfectly suited photo for the topic.
"Basic terms of Catholic theology such as Revelation, Gospel, Holy Scripture, Apostolic Tradition or ecclesiastical Magisterium are used wrongly or in a distorted way."
These are fundamental reference points. Getting these wrong? I'm afraid the problem is full blown apostasy and not simply heresy.More
"Basic terms of Catholic theology such as Revelation, Gospel, Holy Scripture, Apostolic Tradition or ecclesiastical Magisterium are used wrongly or in a distorted way."

These are fundamental reference points. Getting these wrong? I'm afraid the problem is full blown apostasy and not simply heresy.