
Yearning for Peace: French Bishops Reject Francis' Liturgical Wars

There is a "will of pacification" among French bishops towards the Roman Rite, Bayonne Bishop Marc Aillet told L'Homme Nouveau (6 November, video below).

He calls Francis' merciless Motuproprio Traditionis custodes "one thing", and says that Cardinal Roche, head of the Congregation for the Liturgy, is "another thing,” meaning that he is even "much more restrictive” than Francis. In reality, Roche is doing what Bergoglio asks him to do.

Aillet recalls Francis' [sarcastic] message to the French bishops in which he demanded a "fatherly ear" for Catholics while the bishops should continue to destroy the Roman Rite.


good we need bishops that believe in Truth
Joséphine Cyr
The Monsignor (who is very friendly to the Vêtus Ordo) used a lovely expression (twice) for that last part, « tomber dans la marmite quand on était petit » which seems to be a figurative expression from Astérix of falling into a cauldron full of magic potion when you are young which forms your thinking for life. Maybe they could put that into their submission to the Holy Father.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
All this persecution of the LAtin Mass instigated by Francis and his thugs like Roche is, and will, backfire badly on him/them. If Francis knew how much he is hated across much of Europe, not only among traditional Catholics, but just those who wish to maintain the Catholic Faith, he would shut ihis mouth about Catholic Faith and tradition, and just wait patiently till it's time for him to pass on.
Joséphine Cyr
Summary of the video: We're not interested in persecuting traditionalists, and we can't help noticing that the Latin Mass is attracting young people, even if they were not born into Latin Mass-going families.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
If this is true, good for the French Bishops. I hope they refuse to implement Bergoglio's sadistic Traditiones Custodes. It comes from Satan. More and more Bishops across Europe are ignoring Francis. That is why I do not think we will ever have a "Francis II" type Pope. He will be quite the opposite. And that will be a relief to theFrench bishops, cause for rejoicing among all Catholics-especially …More
If this is true, good for the French Bishops. I hope they refuse to implement Bergoglio's sadistic Traditiones Custodes. It comes from Satan. More and more Bishops across Europe are ignoring Francis. That is why I do not think we will ever have a "Francis II" type Pope. He will be quite the opposite. And that will be a relief to theFrench bishops, cause for rejoicing among all Catholics-especially traditionalists, and cause for multiple melt-down hissy-fits from radicals like Roche, who will be forced to pack his bags and head back to an anonymous retirement in England.
You may revise your thinking after reviewing the potential make-up of voting cardinals in a future conclave.
John Fritz Logan
@Irishpol I have reviewed them actually. I was surprisingly relieved, Francis added 4 (perhaps maybe 5) bad cardinal electors out of 16 at the recent consistory. At last 5 really good ones as well.
NOT giving the benefit of the doubt to any vague cardinals, we'll at most have 41 solid bad ones when Maradagia turns 80 coming 29th of December. The number of cardinal electors will be 126 then. As long …More
@Irishpol I have reviewed them actually. I was surprisingly relieved, Francis added 4 (perhaps maybe 5) bad cardinal electors out of 16 at the recent consistory. At last 5 really good ones as well.

NOT giving the benefit of the doubt to any vague cardinals, we'll at most have 41 solid bad ones when Maradagia turns 80 coming 29th of December. The number of cardinal electors will be 126 then. As long as a conclave is held before the number drops below 123 they won't have a veto block. Even after that, just one of the cardinals would need to turn out to not be as bad as possible.

The questionable ones include Ouellet (if he doesn't join the Bergoglian camp they have only 40 anyways), De Avis, Poli (Francis' successor in Buenors Aires whom he apparently targeted with that investigation) and Peter Turkson from Africa.

Meanwhile I count 45 solid orthodox cardinals till April next year, 44 after that.

Basically... hope Francis won't get another consistory.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Yes, hope he doesn't have another consistory in him. Some popes in the past created cardinals nearly every year of their Pontificate. Pius XI and John XXIII for more recent examples. Pius would greate 3-4 at a time. John XXIII maybe 8-10 at a time. Pius XII only held 2 consistories, two big ones. But he should have held at least 4. But I can understand him not calling one during WWII. But if he had …More
Yes, hope he doesn't have another consistory in him. Some popes in the past created cardinals nearly every year of their Pontificate. Pius XI and John XXIII for more recent examples. Pius would greate 3-4 at a time. John XXIII maybe 8-10 at a time. Pius XII only held 2 consistories, two big ones. But he should have held at least 4. But I can understand him not calling one during WWII. But if he had called 2-3 consistories post 1946, the chances of Roncalli getting in as John XXIII would have been 0. Unfortunate he didn't call 2 more.