
Same Eucharist: Francis Kneels in Front of Prisoners - But Not in Front of Christ

On Holy Thursday for the fifth time, Pope Francis "presided" a Eucharist for the Lord’s Supper in a prison.

This time, he washed the feet of twelve men. Francis needed help to kneel down in front of them but he could do it well (video below).

Only twenty minutes after this, during his Eucharist, Francis refused to genuflect in front of the consecrated species.

With this Francis conveys the message that consecration does not happen in the New Rite Eucharist.


When "Francis" addressed the US Congress, he did the sign of the "goat" when he said the word "God." His god is the freemasonic god-- the new world order god. View the footage of the speech; it explains everything. We are witnessing the 8th king (Francis) who is part of the 7th (Benedict VI), "the abomination that causes desolation, sitting in the holy place." Flee from the woman who denies the …More
When "Francis" addressed the US Congress, he did the sign of the "goat" when he said the word "God." His god is the freemasonic god-- the new world order god. View the footage of the speech; it explains everything. We are witnessing the 8th king (Francis) who is part of the 7th (Benedict VI), "the abomination that causes desolation, sitting in the holy place." Flee from the woman who denies the Christ, and unites with every religion's false god, who rides the beast. "Come out of her, my people lest you be numbered with her." Return to the Holy Catholic faith, which is now a remnant in exile, "the Woman" who fled to the desert" to escape the Dragon.
Eric M
Do you remember Bergoglio's satanic-freemasonic liturgy in Fatima? (6 black candles, 3 black cubic chairs, and black altar cloth)
God send us Peter to heal your people battered by heretics and weak men.
No Catholic priest has the right to do different from their Master, Jesus Christ in washing feet, only His disciples, no other religion people, no woman even His mother has no role in it and Jesus never kiss the feet. What this "Che" doing is totally ridiculous and contradictory to Jesus' teachings. Is he a "homo"? All is for One World Church or Judas' church.
This kind of thing is why I'm going to confession this evening on Holy Thursday. May God forgive my disrespectful thoughts for our Pontiff.
Alex A
@Eucaristía Catolica>> Your point is noted. However, one cannot then say 'ergo' God will respond in like manner.