
Father Fournier Saw "Hell" Amid the Notre Dame Fire

There was "little smoke and almost no heat" when Father Jean-Marc Fournier entered the burning Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris.

Fournier is the chaplain of the Paris Fire Brigade. He saved the Blessed Sacrament and Christ's Crown of Thorns which was inside the church.

“I had a vision of what hell may be - like waterfalls of fire pouring down from the openings in the roof,” he told Catholic television KTO (April 17, video below).

It had been difficult for Fournier to get hold of the code that allowed him to open the safe where the Crown of Thorns was.

Fournier went on rescuing the Blessed Sacrament and blessing the cathedral with it. He was completely alone calling on Christ to save his house, in the midst of burning debris falling down from the ceiling.


Fr Fournier: “I asked Jesus and I really believe he is present in these hosts to fight the flames and preserve the building dedicated to his mother.”