They've all been vaccinated, they're more than 6 feet apart, they're eating, and still they're wearing masks. (White House photo shows what looks like a burger and fries lunch for the Friday visit of …More
They've all been vaccinated, they're more than 6 feet apart, they're eating, and still they're wearing masks. (White House photo shows what looks like a burger and fries lunch for the Friday visit of Japan’s prime minister.)
What a load of insane donkeys playing the communist game, fake pandemic, fake election & a fake Pope, boy if anyone can't see that the chastisement has arrived by now, then they are the reason why the cup is over flowing!
Rod Sterling could not have done this better.
Cynthia maybe Biden is substituting another penance for Friday as per Pastoral Statement on Penance and Abstinence Issued by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops November 18, 1966 😂🤪😡 yah, right !
Cynthia Marie Moulthrop
Catholic Biden shouldn’t be eating meat on Friday under pain of sin.