Francis Draws Accusations of Heresy for Claiming Humans ‘Fundamentally Good’

Francis Draws Accusations of Heresy for Claiming Humans ‘Fundamentally Good’

Pope Francis drew scorn and accusations of heresy on social media Sunday for maintaining during his recent “60 Minutes” …
Thought we were "children of wrath" until adopted as children by God after baptism and in a state of grace.
Like the mother of John Bosco, or of Padre Pio.
He must hate St Augustine that was the trend in 1980s
Mathew fox and his side kick Star Hawk blamed St Augustine for original sin doctrine
Abbé Jean-Marie du Divin Coeur de Jésus
All I wish to express is that Francis' mother failed to raise him in the Catholic faith. His beliefs have to be a reflection of what was handed down to him from his mother, paganism, heresies, distorted views, judgmental, hatred towards the clergy, practice of revenge, etc... If Franciis would have been raised by a righteous woman who strived to reach holiness, he would have a gentle heart - something …More
All I wish to express is that Francis' mother failed to raise him in the Catholic faith. His beliefs have to be a reflection of what was handed down to him from his mother, paganism, heresies, distorted views, judgmental, hatred towards the clergy, practice of revenge, etc... If Franciis would have been raised by a righteous woman who strived to reach holiness, he would have a gentle heart - something he does not have.
Denis Efimov
"The heart is perverse above all things" (Jer. 17:9).