Synod Cardinal AGAIN Falsely Claims Catholic Teaching on Male-Only Priesthood ‘Can be Changed’

Synod Cardinal AGAIN Falsely Claims Catholic Teaching on Male-Only Priesthood ‘Can be Changed’

Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich has falsely claimed that the Church could change its teaching on a solely …
Cc Ss
Female Church + male Priest => human flesh
Female Church + female Priest ≠> human flesh
Women cannot consecrate bread to flesh therefore can never be Priests.
Ralph Alexander Michael Curtis
Vatican II has done to the Faith what a desalination plant does to sea water. It produced another product. Undermine the Papacy and the Sacraments and Our Redeemer is no longer present as He is intrinsic to them just as salt is intrinsic to salt water.
Its one rebellion after another when 90% clergy are sodomites their desensitized to right reasoning its their nature to rebel.
Billy F
Heretics abound in Modernist Rome!
Father Karl A Claver
He is a fool, an idiot and an airhead. And those are his good qualities.
Dr Bobus
He is just another one who thinks everything changes except the bread and the wine.