Is the Vatican Tinkering With the Online Catechism to Remove Catholic Teaching on Homosexuality? UPDATE: It looks like the language we found was from the 1994 Catechism. Why it's still there is anyone's …More
Is the Vatican Tinkering With the Online Catechism to Remove Catholic Teaching on Homosexuality?
UPDATE: It looks like the language we found was from the 1994 Catechism. Why it's still there is anyone's guess: onepeterfive.com/is-the-vatican-… *********************** In a unlisted URL, there have been changes made to CCC paragraph 2358 -- removing the words "intrinsically disordered" from the Church's teaching on homosexual inclinations. In light of recent warnings about exactly this kind of attack on the Catechism, is the Vatican preparing to take this version of the Catechism live? Background links: Current CCC page: www.vatican.va/archive/ENG0015/__P85.HTM (Archive here: web.archive.orgwww.vatican.va/archive/ENG0015/__P85.HTM) Secret CCC page w/changed language: www.vatican.va/archive/ENG0015/_P85.HTM (Archive here: web.archive.orgwww.vatican.va/archive/ENG0015/_P85.HTM) National Catholic Register piece on Fr. James Martin & his desire to change this language: www.ncregister.com …More
I'm sure Martin has a hand in this. stream.org/father-james-ma…
Excellent. I'll pass it on.
@Católicos Apostólicos thanks for letting us know what is going on the mistery`s vatican