Ben Carsonon gay xex: “I believe God loves everybody, but I don’t believe that it was intended that men have sex with men and women have sex with women For those who want to do it are free to do it, …More
Ben Carsonon gay xex: “I believe God loves everybody, but I don’t believe that it was intended that men have sex with men and women have sex with women For those who want to do it are free to do it, but trying to say that’s the Norm and everyone should conform to that, does not make any sense What we should be doing is making sure the Norm recognizes there are things that are not consistent with the Norm and that we need to learn how to tolerate those things…”
Sean Johnson
Ben Carson wants to tolerate it? He’s been brainwashed. Here’s what Pope St. Pius V said:
“ If someone commits that nefarious crime against nature that caused divine wrath to be unleashed against the children of iniquity, he will be given over to the secular arm for punishment [of death]; and if he is a cleric, he will be subject to the same punishment after having been stripped of all his degrees …More
Ben Carson wants to tolerate it? He’s been brainwashed. Here’s what Pope St. Pius V said:

“ If someone commits that nefarious crime against nature that caused divine wrath to be unleashed against the children of iniquity, he will be given over to the secular arm for punishment [of death]; and if he is a cleric, he will be subject to the same punishment after having been stripped of all his degrees [of ecclesiastical dignity].”

St. Pius V, Constitution Cum primum, April 1, 1566, in Bullarium Romanum
(Rome: Typographia Reverendae Camerae Apostolicae, Mainardi, 1738), vol. 4, chap. 2, p. 284,
apud Atila S. Guimaraes, Vatican II, Homosexuality and Pedophilia, TIA, 2004, pp. 19-20