WATCH: Fr. Gene Gomulka - How Deep Does the Corruption Go?

WATCH: Fr. Gene Gomulka – How Deep Does the Corruption Go?

WATCH: Fr. Gene Gomulka – How Deep Does the Corruption Go? June 1, 2024 Tags Homosexuality, Sexual Abuse from A Catholic Take by Gene Gomulka …
With recent scandal in SSPX no community is immune ,those who new the third secret were shocked at its contents I think we are just starting to see what they know.
Ivan Tomas
Yeah. But who, who is responsible for such criminal and shameful act to put the LIST with the 1100 names of the militant sodomites infiltrated in Church, in some deep dark hole, given to bp. Sheen by ex-communist american leader Bella Dodd?!
And I am sure that we mustn't think about bp. Sheen concerning this, but think harder searching higher, much higher ranked clergy (or shall we better say "…More
Yeah. But who, who is responsible for such criminal and shameful act to put the LIST with the 1100 names of the militant sodomites infiltrated in Church, in some deep dark hole, given to bp. Sheen by ex-communist american leader Bella Dodd?!

And I am sure that we mustn't think about bp. Sheen concerning this, but think harder searching higher, much higher ranked clergy (or shall we better say "clergy")!
St Damian book Gomorrah must read
We need many more people like Jeffery!
Jeffrey Ade
@123jussi Thank you and God bless you!
Jeffrey Ade
@sp2 . . And the other "only" way is to fulfill Our Lady of Fatima's requests for the Five First Saturdays! Our Lady knew we were facing this monster and she gave us the remedy in advance. We must pray and amend our lives to effect this change! God bless!
sp2 . .
@ComplicitClergy keep posting this on a regular basis !