
Not For His Immoral Positions: Biden Will Not Attend

U.S. President Biden will not attend Benedict XVI's funeral. This follows the wishes of Benedict and the Vatican, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said on Tuesday. “This is what their …More
U.S. President Biden will not attend Benedict XVI's funeral. This follows the wishes of Benedict and the Vatican, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said on Tuesday.
“This is what their wishes were,” she said. The USA will only send their Vatican Ambassador. The presence of the hegemon would have turned the funeral that is supposed to be "simple" into a state funeral.
Only two second-rang politicians were officially invited, the presidents of Italy and Germany. Other second-ranking figures such as the Polish president, the Spanish queen and the Portuguese president may also come.
ChurchMilitant.com reports that there were heated discussions in the Secretariat of State about granting Benedict XVI a state funeral, but the proposal was eventually rejected.
The Vatican insists that the low-key funeral was the desire of Benedict XVI which is likely true.
Picture: Fondazione Vaticana Joseph Ratzinger, #newsZlxpqycrfd
P. O'B
Biden didn't attend, didn't receive another sacrilegious Communion, didn't therefore commit another mortal sin, and thus will have a higher place in Hell. It's a win/win!
Dr Bobus
Imho, it cannot obe ignored that Francis knows that BXVI was much more respected and loved than he is.
Yeah now Francis waits until B16 hype disappears and then once forgotten Francis must renounce, so that he can be alive and influence the next election.
Malki Tzedek
The 'low key' funeral seems likely; the banning of the 'immoral' does not. In his last years, Benedict increasingly left the final judgements up to God, fully dependent upon the mercy God would need to extend upon him, and all of us.
Look at how the body is laid out - no pallium (Pope Benedict designed a special one to wear) or pectoral cross.
@Orthocat Why is there no Pallium? This is a personal symbol, that cannot be given to the next Pope. Every Pope gets a new one, so I wonder: Where is it?