Former Pfizer top dog warns of global digital database and depopulation. The former vice president of Pfizer is raising the alarm over a coercive regime of mass gene-based vaccinations resulting in a …More
Former Pfizer top dog warns of global digital database and depopulation.
The former vice president of Pfizer is raising the alarm over a coercive regime of mass gene-based vaccinations resulting in a global digital database that will "provide the perfect tool for totalitarian control" over every human being on earth.
Former Pfizer scientist and vice president Mike Yeadon
In a lengthy interview Friday with British journalist James Delingpole, distinguished biochemist and pharmacologist Dr. Mike Yeadon described the COVID-19 vaccine as a Trojan horse that would be used to build "a common platform database" at a "supranational level."
Not Really 'Vaccines': Purpose Questioned
Yeadon, who worked as Chief Scientific Officer for Allergy and Respiratory Research at the pharma giant Pfizer, said he couldn't think of any "arguable medical reason whatsoever" for coercing entire populations from infants to the elderly to take the jab.
See also: “La campaña de vacunación es despoblación a gran …More
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