How embarassing! Not homophobe but homophile...More
How embarassing!
Not homophobe but homophile...
la verdad prevalece
June 16, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) However, as facts emerge, it's unclear that the shooter, Omar Mateen, was even motivated by hatred of homosexuals. Mateen was purportedly a homosexual himself who frequented gay bars and gay online chat rooms. The radical Islamist, who pledged allegiance to ISIS during a 911 call in the middle of his rampage, had previously scoped out several locations for his planned …More
June 16, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) However, as facts emerge, it's unclear that the shooter, Omar Mateen, was even motivated by hatred of homosexuals. Mateen was purportedly a homosexual himself who frequented gay bars and gay online chat rooms. The radical Islamist, who pledged allegiance to ISIS during a 911 call in the middle of his rampage, had previously scoped out several locations for his planned act of violence, including Disney World, but ultimately chose the club for reasons yet unknown.
la verdad prevalece
ISIS Muslim terrorists using gay terrorists.
Lisa Bourne wrote at (LifeSiteNews) June 16, 2016 The Orlando shooter, 29-year-old Omar Mateen, made phone calls and social media posts during the attack where he pledged allegiance to Isis, indicating among other evidence that homosexuals were the intended target of the terrorist act.
3 more comments from la verdad prevalece
la verdad prevalece
RomanCandle Deje de estar acosándome Santa Hildegarda : “Y la serpiente dijo: ‘Mandaré mi aliento a fin de que la sucesión de los hijos del hombre se extinga, y entonces los hombres se encenderán de pasiones los unos por los otros hombres, cometiendo actos vergonzosos’.“Y la serpiente, probando gozo, gritó: ‘Esta el la suprema ofensa contra Aquel que ha dado al hombre el cuerpo. Que su forma …More
RomanCandle Deje de estar acosándome Santa Hildegarda : “Y la serpiente dijo: ‘Mandaré mi aliento a fin de que la sucesión de los hijos del hombre se extinga, y entonces los hombres se encenderán de pasiones los unos por los otros hombres, cometiendo actos vergonzosos’.“Y la serpiente, probando gozo, gritó: ‘Esta el la suprema ofensa contra Aquel que ha dado al hombre el cuerpo. Que su forma desaparezca porque ha evitado la relación natural con las mujeres’. “Es entonces el diablo quien los convenció a ser infieles y seductores, que los indujo a matar, transformándose en bandidos y ladrones, porque el pecado de homosexualidad lleva a las más vergonzosas violencias y a todos los vicios. Cuando todos estos pecados se hayan manifestado, entonces la vigencia de la ley de Dios será quebrada y la Iglesia será perseguida como una viuda” www.accionfamilia.org/…/santa-hildegard…
la verdad prevalece
RomanCandle Stop bullying me 😡 You know how to Speak Spanish
la verdad prevalece
Saint Catherine of Siena and Saint Bernardino of Siena said if the homosexual does not regret his sin (homosexuality) and repent this sin becomes like the sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, (which you have no forgiveness either in this life or the other).
Also St. Bernardine of Siena said “No sin has greater power over the soul than the one of cursed sodomy, which was always detested by …More
Saint Catherine of Siena and Saint Bernardino of Siena said if the homosexual does not regret his sin (homosexuality) and repent this sin becomes like the sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, (which you have no forgiveness either in this life or the other).
Also St. Bernardine of Siena said “No sin has greater power over the soul than the one of cursed sodomy, which was always detested by all those who lived according to God...Someone who lived practicing the vice of sodomy will suffer more pains in Hell than any one else, because this is the worst sin that there is.”
St. Hildegard explains that in Satan's revenge against God he wants to extinguish the human race and uses God's own creation infecting them with this vice to rebel against God. St. Hildegard said the vice of homosexuality is the greatest offense against God and God will punish fornicators, bestiality and sodomy;
Scivias by Hildegard von Bingen, 78. God will judge all perpetrators of fornication, sodomy and bestiality www.columbia.edu/…/scivias.html
All the media and leftwing secular parties were all ready to crucify christianity ,blaming them for their homophobic attitude ,but they had to swallow their pride because aparantly he was also gay
la verdad prevalece
May the Lord give the grace to many homosexuals to repent and accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ and turn away from this destructive vice and be free from the bondage of sin of this slavery of the Devil. And May the Lord also convert many Muslims to the only way to salvation Jesus Christ. Saint Peter Damian and St. Catherine of Siena pray for us.
The media is trying to shape the massacre as homophobe (may have God mercy on the victims' souls), but this is the proof the massacre was islamophile.
Two words: sleeper cell