
Covid: Francis Afraid to Discuss the Problem

Ernest Williams, a trained engineer who is living in Zurich, Switzerland, began raising concerns about the dangers of Covid-19 mRNA injections in early 2021 with the Vatican's Dicastery for Integral Human Development (LifeSiteNews.com, April 4).

Cardinal Peter Turkson, then Prefect, was aware of religious who had suffered from the Pfizer injections. He agreed to organise a two-day workshop to address the concerns. The workshop was scheduled three times. The last one: January 2022.

At the end of 2021, Czerny replaced Turkson and the process started all over again. In April 2022 Williams was invited to submit another proposal which he prepared with medical specialists and leading geneticists and immunologists and submitted in June 2022.

The result: the workshop was blocked with the lame excuse that the dicastery "did not have the resources" to organise the event, although Williams had offered to do all the organisation for them, including the costs.

The refusal was not surprising, given Francis' rigidity in embracing the Covid ideology. Nevertheless, Williams continued his efforts.

In late 2022, he was informed that the Vatican Academy of Sciences, now headed by Turkson, was planning to address concerns about the mRNA injections in September 2023. One wonders if it will take place.

Picture: © IMF Photo, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsXpdwgimpze

Servant Of Divine Mercy
Listen, God Almighty has revealed to some people the Truths of what these vaccines are all about; and WOE to those who DON’T WARN the ignorant!
Servant Of Divine Mercy
3 more comments from Servant Of Divine Mercy
Servant Of Divine Mercy
Because in 'discussing the problem' one will be afraid that it was NO conspiracy theory and therefore one (those in the VaXXican) will find out the WHOLE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE DEADLY TRUTH!