
Pornofex: Was It Really Necessary? Even Francis' Friends Are Baffled

Was it really necessary to invite a porn actress to explain to Francis that men were making specific requests to her for shooting nude videos?” the anti-Catholic La-Croix.com asked (April 6).

La-Croix referred to Francis' Disney+ documentary "The Pope Answers" with 10 people in their early 20s, among them an internet prostitute and a former nun who now lives as a "lesbian". He told them that sex is a "beautiful thing."

“Do you know Tinder?” asks Celia, one of the participants. Ignorant Francis admitted that he does not know it, but responded: “It’s funny, young people have an eagerness to meet and that’s a good thing.” Tinder has been banned in Pakistan for immoral content.

Francis followed the conversation among the ten chosen activists talking about "benefits of masturbation." The producers insisted that Francis viewed their propaganda piece in November and did not ask for changes.

Picture: Disney+, #newsZoxrvhxfui

la verdad prevalece
The Didache, or Teaching of the Twelve Apostles: Thou shalt not corrupt youth
taught his Godson how to swear!
2 more comments from la verdad prevalece
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio leads a perverse film while stubborn in his rebellion against Divine Natural Law, he opposes proclaiming the Gospel of Christ
Croí Láidir
This is excrement. No faithful Catholic should have a subscription to Disney+ or have anything to do with Disney at this point. I pray that Francis converts to Holy Roman Catholicism because by his words and actions he doesn't appear to be Catholic at all. Our Lady of Good Success of the Purification, pray for us!
la verdad prevalece
The diabolical Bergoglio becomes a puppet of Disney's perverse industry
These Pornofex comments seemed geared towards giving protestants more reason to say, "See, Catholicism can't be true 'cause listen to what Francis said." Thus, more souls will be scandalized and lost....all part of the diabolical plan, I'm sure. I dont believe any of this is accidental or dottering old foolery.
These events are a window into his soul
Jorge likely intends to plead not guilty by reason of insanity during his particular judgment.
Defeat Modernism
Francis is the Archbishop of Sodom & Gomorrah, of course an anti-catholic, Judo-Masonic pig like him would do something like this. He is a wicked man for a perverse generation. He is no pope, the is Vicar of Antichrist.
Francis likes to use "Love the sinner" comments to give the impression that he's OK with homosexuality, abortion, ...every abomination.
He just doesn't say it directly so he can deny that's what he meant. Although he doesn't really have to deny it. Just shred the Dubias as they arrive.More
Francis likes to use "Love the sinner" comments to give the impression that he's OK with homosexuality, abortion, ...every abomination.

He just doesn't say it directly so he can deny that's what he meant. Although he doesn't really have to deny it. Just shred the Dubias as they arrive.
"Sex is a beautiful thing," but the Pope should have followed that up with St. Agustine's insights that it is beautiful only within the context of sacramental marriage between a man and a woman for the purpose of procreation and unifying their love. Pope Francis should use these opportunities in meeting young people to bring them to Christ and his Church but not to confirm them in their sins.
Ivan Tomas
But what else do you need him for?
The Vicaris of this (new) world (order).
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
There is no more defense of this filthy pervert Pope. To appear on this interview is bad enough, but to speak of the "benefits of masturbation" is beyond disgusting. It is proof of how low the CAtholic Church has sunk, that CArdinals do not stand up and demand his resignation, or to stage a coup and throw him out of office as a heretic. It is no longer a case that he " is destroying" the Catholic …More
There is no more defense of this filthy pervert Pope. To appear on this interview is bad enough, but to speak of the "benefits of masturbation" is beyond disgusting. It is proof of how low the CAtholic Church has sunk, that CArdinals do not stand up and demand his resignation, or to stage a coup and throw him out of office as a heretic. It is no longer a case that he " is destroying" the Catholic Church, he and his homo associates HAVE DESTROYED THE PAPACY AND THE CATHOLIC CHURCH.
The only recourse for the faithful, is to gather together en masse, and to find a place to build a new copy of Rome, complete with new St.Peter's and Vatican, and to elect from among the SSPX or sede-vacantist groups, a new substitute Pope (hopefully temporary), until true Rome and Vatican returns to the Faith.
Francis is an anti-Pope, and the anti-Christ. Any reader/contributor who is sick enough to still call him "Holy Father", or the "Vicar of Christ", is as bad as he is.
Aaron Aukema
The Church is indefectible, and thus it and the papacy cannot be destroyed. That the Church is indefectible, as is the papacy, means that this clown is not now, nor was he ever, the pope of the Catholic Church. The institution the Argentinian Apostate is head of is thus NOT the Catholic Church.
Any one "in union" with him or his institution must seriously rethink things. The entire Conciliar entity …More
The Church is indefectible, and thus it and the papacy cannot be destroyed. That the Church is indefectible, as is the papacy, means that this clown is not now, nor was he ever, the pope of the Catholic Church. The institution the Argentinian Apostate is head of is thus NOT the Catholic Church.

Any one "in union" with him or his institution must seriously rethink things. The entire Conciliar entity is a false church.