Gloria TV News. German Bishops Attack and Defend the Pope Germany Today the spring plenary meeting of the Conference of German Bishops has ended in Hamburg. The bishops had gathered since Monday to …More
Gloria TV News.
German Bishops Attack and Defend the Pope
Today the spring plenary meeting of the Conference of German Bishops has ended in Hamburg. The bishops had gathered since Monday to talk about the economic crisis and other secular or ecclesiastical themes. Concerning the situation of the Priestly Fraternity Of Saint Pius X. the chairman of the conference, archbishop Robert Zollitsch of Freiburg, restated the known position of the Bishops who have criticized the Pope for lifting the excommunications. Surprisingly, Zollitsch particularly emphasized that within the Church there were many uncharitable, one-sided and despicing statements and activities that damage the unity of the Church. According to the archbishop, they must be condemned because nobody is allowed to doubt the integrity of the Pope or to deny the constitution of the Church.
The Tridentine Mass Does Not Instill the Spirit of Christ
United States
A transcript of an “online chat session” with Cardinal Roger …More
Cardinal mahony regarding the Latin Mass, describes "there's no participation with the people."
He must be talking about his circus church and the participation of the scantily-clad women dancing around the "altar" (table). And the bongos beating to the sounds of a culture of a far-off land while the half naked women carry their bowls of incense throught the aisle and onto the stage-table.
Then …More
Cardinal mahony regarding the Latin Mass, describes "there's no participation with the people."

He must be talking about his circus church and the participation of the scantily-clad women dancing around the "altar" (table). And the bongos beating to the sounds of a culture of a far-off land while the half naked women carry their bowls of incense throught the aisle and onto the stage-table.
Then the kool-aid pitchers and cookies come out...Yummy!!!! It's soo much fun, and all the dancing and acrobatics, well, hey, why pay to go see a circus when the "good" cardinal will provide all that entertainment and make your trip to church worthwhile!?
Just think of all those people who he loves pleasing soo much...surely he doesn't have to worry about the flow of money coming in, now does he? Of course, if there still continues to surface more lawsuits from all the priests he knowingly covered up for,...well that may mean he might have to try something new, like maybe adding some trampolines and trapezes, yea,.. that just might do it!

Hmm, wonder if I could have a shot at being one of those
I think the other bell must be heard... What about the answer of the FSSPX-Germany to these accusations?
Position Statement of the German Superior of the SSPX, Father Franz Schmidberger
At the conclusion of the General Assembly of the German bishops addressed in detail the relationship to the SSPX. German Bishops' Statement here.
I would like this as a District Superior in Germany to state:
1. …More
I think the other bell must be heard... What about the answer of the FSSPX-Germany to these accusations?

Position Statement of the German Superior of the SSPX, Father Franz Schmidberger

At the conclusion of the General Assembly of the German bishops addressed in detail the relationship to the SSPX. German Bishops' Statement here.

I would like this as a District Superior in Germany to state:

1. The SSPX does not reject the whole Council. Archbishop Lefebvre himself participated in the council, was in the preparatory commissions and approved most of the documents.

2. The German Bishops' Conference makes a condition out of the full adoption of the Council, including the contentious and ambiguous. That means nothing other than to stop the dialogue before it even began. We see that the German bishops do not want to discuss the controversial points of the Councils but wish to construct taboo zones.

3. The German bishops do not behave in a spirit of brotherhood. Instead of dialogue and talks in a peaceful, constructive way to act against the signal from Rome that the was given by the withdrawal of the Decree of Excommunication and reject every offer of dialogue from the SSPX.

4. The bishops are bound by the eighth commandment, which reads: "Thou shalt not give false testimony." We therefore urge the Episcopal Conference to take back the defamatory accusation of anti-Semitic or anti-Jewish sentiments within the SSPX. In the Williamson affair, the SSPX Superiors have reacted immediately. The German District has stated immediately after the publication of the unspeakable statements clearly and unambiguously condemned any kind of trivialisation of Nazi crimes and apologised to those who were injured by the statements. We would again point out that the father of Archbishop Lefebvre lost his life in Sonnenburg Concentration Camp.

5. The bishops are calling on the SSPX to recognise the authority of the pope, although the SSPX never put this authority in doubt. This shows that the bishops have never given serious thought to the positions of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X. substantially addressed, nor want to.

6. The SSPX on the contrary detects within the German Episcopate a subtle rejection of papal authority. The attitude towards papal decrees of the recent past in this context is relevant:
a. The desire of the Pope to translate correctly the falsely rendered words of consecration, was ignored by the German bishops previously ignored.
b. The motu proprio for the liberation of the old Mass is implemented by some bishops so restrictively that it almost remains ineffective.
c. The Good Friday prayers of the Pope were also erroneously described by some theologians in Germany as antisemitic.
d. The clear position of the Pope about the ecclesiastical understanding within Protestant communities was made in Germany overwhelmingly misunderstood.
e. Despite repeated calls, the German bishops do not withdraw the Königstein Declaration which makes the encyclical "Humanae Vitae" of Pope Paul VI ineffective.
f. Finally, the declaration "Dominus Jesus" was strongly criticised by German theologians because it only talked about the unique path to salvation offered by the Church.
7. Given these facts, we see that some bishops reject the path of clarity laid down by the Pope and reconciliation. They apparently want the complete elimination of all conservative attitudes within the church. This opposition to the Pope is currently (still) not disclosed, but has long been subliminally present in many utterances.

8. Faced with this situation, we thank the Holy Father for his paternal responsiveness. We will make every effort on our part, to formulate the positions of the SSPX - which is not their own, but those of the Magisterium of the Church - in an understandable, selfless and loving way that a fruitful discussion with by all Catholics of good will be possible. We are pleased that there is now a basis for theological discourse.

9. In our desire to express, in the service of love of the eternal and true Rome the SSPX wishes especially to reject the untenable accusations of illicit ordinations. These envisaged ordinations were never prohibited, as has been confirmed in personal conversations in Rome. Here the Bishops ensnare themselves in obvious opposition: they emphasise that there is not yet unity with the SSPX, while at the same time wanting to place a ban on ordinations. One can only refer to what Archbishop Zollitsch even in his statement stated: it is for the Holy See - and not the Bishops' conferences – to create and to identify the conditions for full unity.

Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam +
I think the other bell must be heard... What about the answer of the FSSPX-Germany to these accusations?
Position Statement of the German Superior of the SSPX, Father Franz Schmidberger
At the conclusion of the General Assembly of the German bishops addressed in detail the relationship to the SSPX. German Bishops' Statement here.
I would like this as a District Superior in Germany to state:
1. …More
I think the other bell must be heard... What about the answer of the FSSPX-Germany to these accusations?

Position Statement of the German Superior of the SSPX, Father Franz Schmidberger

At the conclusion of the General Assembly of the German bishops addressed in detail the relationship to the SSPX. German Bishops' Statement here.

I would like this as a District Superior in Germany to state:

1. The SSPX does not reject the whole Council. Archbishop Lefebvre himself participated in the council, was in the preparatory commissions and approved most of the documents.

2. The German Bishops' Conference makes a condition out of the full adoption of the Council, including the contentious and ambiguous. That means nothing other than to stop the dialogue before it even began. We see that the German bishops do not want to discuss the controversial points of the Councils but wish to construct taboo zones.

3. The German bishops do not behave in a spirit of brotherhood. Instead of dialogue and talks in a peaceful, constructive way to act against the signal from Rome that the was given by the withdrawal of the Decree of Excommunication and reject every offer of dialogue from the SSPX.

4. The bishops are bound by the eighth commandment, which reads: "Thou shalt not give false testimony." We therefore urge the Episcopal Conference to take back the defamatory accusation of anti-Semitic or anti-Jewish sentiments within the SSPX. In the Williamson affair, the SSPX Superiors have reacted immediately. The German District has stated immediately after the publication of the unspeakable statements clearly and unambiguously condemned any kind of trivialisation of Nazi crimes and apologised to those who were injured by the statements. We would again point out that the father of Archbishop Lefebvre lost his life in Sonnenburg Concentration Camp.

5. The bishops are calling on the SSPX to recognise the authority of the pope, although the SSPX never put this authority in doubt. This shows that the bishops have never given serious thought to the positions of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X. substantially addressed, nor want to.

6. The SSPX on the contrary detects within the German Episcopate a subtle rejection of papal authority. The attitude towards papal decrees of the recent past in this context is relevant:
a. The desire of the Pope to translate correctly the falsely rendered words of consecration, was ignored by the German bishops previously ignored.
b. The motu proprio for the liberation of the old Mass is implemented by some bishops so restrictively that it almost remains ineffective.
c. The Good Friday prayers of the Pope were also erroneously described by some theologians in Germany as antisemitic.
d. The clear position of the Pope about the ecclesiastical understanding within Protestant communities was made in Germany overwhelmingly misunderstood.
e. Despite repeated calls, the German bishops do not withdraw the Königstein Declaration which makes the encyclical "Humanae Vitae" of Pope Paul VI ineffective.
f. Finally, the declaration "Dominus Jesus" was strongly criticised by German theologians because it only talked about the unique path to salvation offered by the Church.
7. Given these facts, we see that some bishops reject the path of clarity laid down by the Pope and reconciliation. They apparently want the complete elimination of all conservative attitudes within the church. This opposition to the Pope is currently (still) not disclosed, but has long been subliminally present in many utterances.

8. Faced with this situation, we thank the Holy Father for his paternal responsiveness. We will make every effort on our part, to formulate the positions of the SSPX - which is not their own, but those of the Magisterium of the Church - in an understandable, selfless and loving way that a fruitful discussion with by all Catholics of good will be possible. We are pleased that there is now a basis for theological discourse.

9. In our desire to express, in the service of love of the eternal and true Rome the SSPX wishes especially to reject the untenable accusations of illicit ordinations. These envisaged ordinations were never prohibited, as has been confirmed in personal conversations in Rome. Here the Bishops ensnare themselves in obvious opposition: they emphasise that there is not yet unity with the SSPX, while at the same time wanting to place a ban on ordinations. One can only refer to what Archbishop Zollitsch even in his statement stated: it is for the Holy See - and not the Bishops' conferences – to create and to identify the conditions for full unity.

Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam