Bishop Strickland denounces the dismantling of the supernatural faith

(Automatic translation from Italian) ‘Whether in liturgy, doctrine, or the simple daily piety of Catholics, too many prelates and powerful forces in the Vatican are doing their best to dismantle any …More
(Automatic translation from Italian)
‘Whether in liturgy, doctrine, or the simple daily piety of Catholics, too many prelates and powerful forces in the Vatican are doing their best to dismantle any vestige of supernatural faith.’ Bishop Joseph Strickland, 65, unjustly deposed bishop of Tyler, Texas; letter of 19 April.
The modernists are the most harmful enemies of the Church, within it waving their counsels of destruction. THOSE WHO HAVE NOT UNDERSTOOD THIS HAVE UNDERSTOOD NOTHING OF THE MODERNISTS.
Following what St. Pius X said about them in the 1907 encyclical Pascendi Dominici Gregis: ‘For truth does not depart from the truth whoever considers them among the enemies of the Church the most harmful. For, as we have already said, their counsels of destruction do not stir them outside the Church, but within it...’.
So it seems that there is someone, like Msgr Joseph Strickland, who is beginning to understand and speak about it. Indeed, how can one explain this work of destruction …More
What is wrong with facial hair ,Doesn,t Jesus have facial hair ?
I wish our good Bishop and staunch Defender of the Faith would “dismantle” that facial hair. 😐😎
Modernists fear the beard 😀
Maria Lylyander
@SonoftheChurch: Get over it already. What is this weird fixation with the bishops beard?
chris griffin
The beard makes him look old and unkempt and too lazy to shave.