
Cardinal De Kesel Temporarily Withdraws For Health Reasons

Pro-gay Brussel Cardinal Jozef De Kesel, 72, Belgium, has temporary left his archdiocese and the presidency of the Belgian bishops due to health problems. A medical treatment, not connected to the …More
Pro-gay Brussel Cardinal Jozef De Kesel, 72, Belgium, has temporary left his archdiocese and the presidency of the Belgian bishops due to health problems.
A medical treatment, not connected to the coronavirus, has been started. It makes it impossible for Kesel to fulfil his tasks during several weeks, the archdiocese announced on April 14.
The archdiocese is now lead by the three auxiliary bishops Jean-Luc Hudsyn, Jean Kockerols and Koen Vanhoutte, as well as by the vicar general.
Would it be uncharitable to speculate on a health issue related to a gay-lifetstyle, given the Cardinal's apparent sympathy for it?