"Russia will march on all the nations of Europe, particularly on Italy, and will raise its flag on the dome of Saint Peter! Rome will be punished according to justice for its many and serious sins, because the scandal has reached its peak. Russia with her secret weapons will fight America will overwhelm Europe and you will see especially the Rhine river of Germany full of corpses and blood, More
"Russia will march on all the nations of Europe, particularly on Italy, and will raise its flag on the dome of Saint Peter! Rome will be punished according to justice for its many and serious sins, because the scandal has reached its peak. Russia with her secret weapons will fight America will overwhelm Europe and you will see especially the Rhine river of Germany full of corpses and blood, Italy will be troubled by a great revolution and the Pope will have to suffer a lot." - Blessed Elena Aiello

Meloni leads Europe against Russia as Italian PM sends ultimatum to Putin

Giorgia Meloni's leadership in the EU, the G7 summit, and now at the Ukraine peace summit has cemented her role as a leading …
Maria delos Angeles
They have already gone to war here in the UK here, just have not told us yet.. got an election coming up July 4th, the Conservatives from what I can see are not trying all that hard to win. Perhaps they do not want to be in the popular consciousness as wartime government, because they know what is going down, I do not doubt.
Everyday for Life Canada
Meloni too has become part of the problem. They all want war. But want somebody else to fight and possibly get killed. While they the leaders and their globalist friends, make big money from the conflict.
sp2; the link you sent is for a man who was a priest and then married and now claims to have messages from heaven. For there shall be a time when they will not endure sound doctrine but, according to their own desires, they will heap to themselves teachers having itching ears: 4And will indeed turn away their hearing from the truth, but will be turned unto fables.
The Wandering Recluse
For those who might be interested in the sister's life: Blessed Elena Aiello -Mystic, Stigmatic & Foundress
Perhaps she should ask every Italian to get on their knees and pray the rosary, make reparation for the sins that are crying out to heaven for vengeance, instead of carrying on like a pork chop!
Father Karl A Claver
While Meloni is better than some, she is still a puppet of the EU. Russia posed no problem until Ukraine stated acting foolish. Putin is a dictator, but sometimes dictators ARE necessary. I trust this Russian Orthodox man more than most Catholic politicians.
An ultimatum to the President of Russia - SERIOUSLY? Doesn't appear to correspond to Fr Malachi Martins prediction that "salvation is to come from the east" Important reference for our times.
English Catholic
This is a scan of the full book: "The Incredible Life Story of Sister Elena Aiello", by Fr Francesco Spadafora (Sister is now Blessed Elena Aiello)
All Saints
Meloni is a member of the Joe Biden Babysitting Team.
English Catholic