The Life Of John Henry Cardinal Newman, Michael Davies, Catholic Audiobook. sendereduardoquesadabadillo on Nov 7, 2016 John Henry Newman CO (21 February 1801 – 11 August 1890[5][6]) was a Catholic …More
The Life Of John Henry Cardinal Newman, Michael Davies, Catholic Audiobook.
sendereduardoquesadabadillo on Nov 7, 2016 John Henry Newman CO (21 February 1801 – 11 August 1890[5][6]) was a Catholic cardinal and theologian who was an important figure in the religious history of England in the 19th century. He was known nationally by the mid-1830s.
Originally an evangelical Oxford University academic and priest in the Church of England, Newman then became drawn to the high-church tradition of Anglicanism. He became known as a leader of, and an able polemicist for, the Oxford Movement, an influential and controversial grouping of Anglicans who wished to return to the Church of England many Catholic beliefs and liturgical rituals from before the English Reformation. In this the movement had some success. However, in 1845 Newman, joined by some but not all of his followers, left the Church of England and his teaching post at Oxford University and was received into the Catholic Church. He was …More
fzk5220 😁 ✍️ I do the same thing, too... 😀 👍
I hope this is followed by audio versions of many of his sermons and poems...
I love to listen to audio programs as I go to bed and I am probably sound asleep in 10 min but then the next day I resume where I left off.
We need more of his thoughts... JHN is not of this world, today.
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