Gloria TV News on the Feast of Visitation. Community of the Beatitudes Undergoes Big Changes France The Community of the Beatitudes – founded in the early 1970s - will become a public association of …More
Gloria TV News on the Feast of Visitation.
Community of the Beatitudes Undergoes Big Changes
The Community of the Beatitudes – founded in the early 1970s - will become a public association of the faithful of the archdiocese of Toulouse, France. This is the last development in the troubled recent history of the group. The community will lose its temporary Vatican recognition. A new statute will reorganize the community. In the future there will me no mixed houses anymore where male and female religious live together. A couple of years ago, the famous Frère Ephraim, the first superior, has left the group under unclear circumstances. Recently, Philippe Madre, a physician, married deacon and second long time superior of the community has been dismissed from the clerical state because of sexual abuses.
Case Engineered in Order to Push Abortion
International abortion lobbyists in Europe are celebrating a ruling handed down this week from the European Court of Human Rights. The …More
🚬 ☕ 🤗
holyrope 3
President of Brazil is a Socialist..... Yes, louella, you are exactly right!
Dear Doina, Some news that you have to report....oh dear, but you get through it just fine! 😉 🤗More
President of Brazil is a Socialist..... Yes, louella, you are exactly right!

Dear Doina, Some news that you have to report....oh dear, but you get through it just fine! 😉 🤗
Time to leave the evil EU....and UN. They are both anti-Christs. We should support and work for a CATHOLIC STATE instead....by the Grace of God. 🤬
Holy Cannoli
Priest Protest Ultraliberal Bishop
To say he's “liberal” is putting it mildly. Heretic would be a more accurate description. As long as men like François Fonlupt are the kinds of Episcopal nominations being made, there will continue to be heterodoxy within the Catholic Church.
Father François Fonlupt was nominated in April as the new Bishop of …More
Priest Protest Ultraliberal Bishop


To say he's “liberal” is putting it mildly. Heretic would be a more accurate description. As long as men like François Fonlupt are the kinds of Episcopal nominations being made, there will continue to be heterodoxy within the Catholic Church.

Father François Fonlupt was nominated in April as the new Bishop of Rodez, in southern France. Until now he served as an Episcopal vicar in the ultra-liberal diocese of Clermont. While being there he wrote an article in the newspaper “Chercheurs de Dieu “, which is part of the catechetical body in the dioces. The title of the article is “Fraternal Communion and the communion with the Body of Christ” in. In the article he claimed that the Real Presence of Our Lord in the Eucharist was only mystical, not material, and that Christ was as much present in the congregation as in the consecrated hosts and in the precious blood. The nomination of Father Fonlupt therefore infuriated the Catholics and the orthodox Bishops that make up about 1/3 of the French Bishops’ conference. Hundreds of letters of complaints arrived in the past weeks at the nuciature in Paris. The faithful of Rodez are sad that to their little rural diocese such a Bishop has been given. In the past, the diocese has resisted the movement of secularization and has remained Catholic.
Gloria TV News on the Feast of St. Ignatius of Laconi

Good morning, Doina


The colors red and black look nice on you. They say that red and black were Elvis Presely's favorite colors too.

😎 🤗 😊