
Mass-Immigration: The Goal Is Not "Humanism", But Atomisation - Cardinal Müller

Mass immigration is not about helping people but about destroying a nation's identity, Cardinal Müller told LifeSiteNews.com (December 4). The globalists vilify national identity as "nationalism", …More
Mass immigration is not about helping people but about destroying a nation's identity, Cardinal Müller told LifeSiteNews.com (December 4).
The globalists vilify national identity as "nationalism", which they say has caused wars. They claim to be against nationalism, “but in reality they are against the nation.”
According to Cardinal Müller, they want everyone to be completely isolated, and not connected by language, culture, family ties, or a native land where people feel at home.
Everyone should be “atomised, without cultural and religious roots and identity.”
At the same time, anyone who criticises this is insulted as a "National Socialist". Cardinal Müller explains that this inuslt come precisely from those, who promote the National Socialist ideology of "might makes right".
Picture: Gerhard Ludwig Müller © Michael Haynes/LifeSiteNews, #newsNoruqpqxoq
Jan Joseph
Kardinaal Müller heeft volkomen gelijk, maar in de Rooms Katholieke kerk wordt deze visie uitsluitend gedeeld door de Traditionele priesters en gelovigen. Meer dan 90% van de kardinalen en meer dan 70% van de bisschoppen in de Rooms Katholieke kerk zijn politiek links en daarom voorstander van de Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie kerk. Maar gelukkig zowel politiek links als de Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie …More
Kardinaal Müller heeft volkomen gelijk, maar in de Rooms Katholieke kerk wordt deze visie uitsluitend gedeeld door de Traditionele priesters en gelovigen. Meer dan 90% van de kardinalen en meer dan 70% van de bisschoppen in de Rooms Katholieke kerk zijn politiek links en daarom voorstander van de Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie kerk. Maar gelukkig zowel politiek links als de Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie kerk staan op instorten,
Marx told a meeting of bishops:
“A clear line must be drawn against right-wing extremists. The bishops also made it clear that it is unacceptable for Christians to vote for parties that spread nationalist, racist, or anti-Semitic opinions, or tolerate them in their ranks. The bishops cannot see how anyone with such views could take on responsibility in the Church.”
“They are concerned about …
Marx told a meeting of bishops:
“A clear line must be drawn against right-wing extremists. The bishops also made it clear that it is unacceptable for Christians to vote for parties that spread nationalist, racist, or anti-Semitic opinions, or tolerate them in their ranks. The bishops cannot see how anyone with such views could take on responsibility in the Church.”
“They are concerned about democracy, as there are parties that use the free constitutional order to ultimately abolish it. The Alternative for Germany must be counted among these parties.”

German Cardinal Calls for Ban on Right Wingers in Church — Catholic Arena
Alejandrina Reyes
This is pure gold. The Ode is at the beginning of the first video , the audience listens to it standing up. If you value your Freedom the please share share share.
This is pure gold. The Ode is at the beginning of the first video , the audience listens to it standing up. If you value your Freedom the please share share share.
