
Grudging Admission: „Many African Bishops Want To Restore Mass In Latin”

Some Africans are being kept in the "old form of Catholicism", Father Stan Chu Ilo, associate professor at Depaul University in Chicago, told AlJazeera.com (1 February). The "old form of Catholicism"…More
Some Africans are being kept in the "old form of Catholicism", Father Stan Chu Ilo, associate professor at Depaul University in Chicago, told AlJazeera.com (1 February).
The "old form of Catholicism" includes Scripture, Christ and the apostles, but not Luther, Calvin and Vatican II.
"There are many African bishops who are very comfortable celebrating Mass in Latin. They want to restore some imaginary past glory of Catholicism in Africa," laments Chu Ilo.
He admits, however, that many young people are leaving the Novus Ordo churches and joining Protestant sects - because Protestantism in its original form tastes better than the Protestant imitation that the pastoral council has concocted.
Wilma Lopez shares this
It’s not “imaginary” past glory…Catholic missionaries literally lived and died to evangelize Africa. That was glorious.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Did anyone every watch the classic 1958 movie "The Nun's Story" with the great Audrey Hepburn? Not only did that portray real nuns living in a real religious life in a real convent in the True Church, but it also portrayed the life of true missionaries.....their training before going off to Africa or Asia, and the sacrifices they made to win souls for God and the True Church.....not liberation …More
Did anyone every watch the classic 1958 movie "The Nun's Story" with the great Audrey Hepburn? Not only did that portray real nuns living in a real religious life in a real convent in the True Church, but it also portrayed the life of true missionaries.....their training before going off to Africa or Asia, and the sacrifices they made to win souls for God and the True Church.....not liberation theology, climate change, inculturation, ecumenism......but real Catholic missionaries and the hardships they went thru. Beautiful convent misisonary outpost in the Congo is portrayed, and the great Irish actor Niall Macginnis (1913-1977) portrayed Father Vermeuhlen, his character was a wonderful Belgian priest who founded a hospital and center for lepers, and who in the movie contracted leprosy and knew he would die. The purpose of the missionary field as portrayed in this magnificent movie was, SOULS for God.....not a better life for people ( that was a secondary great aim).
Audrey Hepburn actually had to live in convents in Italy to train for the role, and apparently she loved it, and considered "The Nun's Story" one of her best movie roles.
The VERY sad point however, is the original missionary spirit in the Catholic Church, from St. Francis Xavier all the way up until 1962, has been nearly cmpletely lost. ALL the great USA and EUropean missionary Orders are 95% dead communities, radical liberal organizations with extremely aged members still pushing the failed Vatican II version of Catholicism which no one wants even in mission lands.
If anyone wants to see how REAL Catholic religious life was (and still is in some Orders in Europe and the USA), I suggest watching the very great movie, "The Nun's Story" (1958) available on dvd. It shows our Church the way it was, and how with a lot of effort, we can make it again. But we have to pray that people like Bergoglio and his agenda ( mostly all very aged people), are gone soon, and our next Pope is 100% the opposite and more orthodox and traditional.
This African priest on this post is an exception, not the rule among African clergy. HE IS A HERETIC, who should be repudiated by good Catholics.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
This priest is a loser, but fortunatly he is not representative of most African priests, and certainly not Bishops. Very many African bishops prefer the Mass in Latin, in the Roman Rite. If Francis tries to go against them, or to force openness to homosexuality down their throats, he will single handedly lose the whole continent of Africa. But I wouldn't put it past him to do it anyway.
He might lose the whole continent of Africa, but the church won’t. There are a lot of millstones waiting for these horrible priests and bishops. God have mercy on them.