
I Wish I Were a Plumber Right Now. By Dr Antonino Pugliese MD

I treated a man in the emergency room who had raped a 9-year-old girl, I did it because it was what I had to do, I won't hide the fact that I had problems doing it, but it was the right thing to do! …More
I treated a man in the emergency room who had raped a 9-year-old girl, I did it because it was what I had to do, I won't hide the fact that I had problems doing it, but it was the right thing to do!
Now, they deny treatment and important diagnostic tests to those who don't have three Covid doses. Frankly, I would like to be a plumber right now.
Received over social network. The author is a physician in the Gioia Tauro, Italy, emergency room, and a specialist in oncology and pathological anatomy.
Picture: © cncphotos, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsSsxetrucba
"I treated a man in the emergency room who had raped a 9-year-old girl" -presumably because he was vaccinated, yes?
"The fundamental bedrock truth of modern bioethics: 'If there is risk, there must be choice'."
Robert Malone, MD
Inventor of RNA and DNA vaccine technology
John A Cassani
The key word there is “modern.” The fundamental truth of ethics is “Do good; avoid evil.” We would certainly be better off today if Malone’s “fundamental truth” were followed, but even if choice were respected today, evil is being done prior to it.